News - International Relations

Intern - Community Development, Kolda, Senegal

With the aim to support the creation of socio-economic incentives for returning migrants and their communities, to boost the employability of young people, a new project has been launched in the Kolda region. The project is financed by the Czech Republic through its Ministry of the Interior for a period of 18 months (November 2023- April 2025). IOM believes that tackling the adverse factors behind these irregular movements, notably through the creation of economic opportunities and productive, sustainable employment, contributes to the long-term solution.

Dean of FTZ Explores Collaboration Opportunities in Uzbekistan: A Step Towards Joint Initiatives in Water Harvesting and Climate Change Mitigation

Patrick Van Damme, Dean of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTZ), recently concluded a productive visit to Uzbekistan, specifically engaging with the University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnology in Tashkent. This visit was financed under the ERASMUS+ KA171 call 2022 and came in response to an invitation from Dr. Muhtor Nasirov, the head of internationalisation at Samarkand State University.

Staff mobility from RUA to CZU

Dr. Samnang Nguon of Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Cambodia participated in a 10-day Staff Mobility for Training at Laboratory of Ethonobotany and Ethonopharmacolgoy (LEE) led by Prof. Ing. Ladislav Kokoška of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTZ) at CZU Prague. During the mobility, he familiarized himself with the team’s expertise, laboratory facilities, and experimental design for antimicrobial susceptibility testing and GC-MS analysis. He received specialized training on the vapored-phase antibacterial activities of essential oils from tropical plant extracts and engaged in discussions about the analysis and interpretation of GC-MS results. Additionally, he assisted a Master’s student with research on antimicrobial susceptibility testing of essential oils in vapor phase, collaborated with researchers and PhD students at the laboratory, participated in departmental defense for a PhD dissertation, and discussed potential future collaborations with faculty members and researchers.

IROICA Webinar Universities and Mobility in the Time of Global Polycrises

On Thursday, 30 May 2024, the IROICA (International Relations Officers' Network of the Association for European Life Science Universities) hosted a webinar titled "Universities and Mobility in the Time of Global Polycrises”. The event focused on the challenges and opportunities that universities face in maintaining academic mobility amidst global crises such as climate change, pandemics, political instability, and economic disruptions. The webinar featured expert speakers who discussed strategies for fostering international collaboration, supporting student and staff mobility, and ensuring resilience in higher education institutions. The participants explored how universities can adapt to rapidly changing global circumstances while continuing to promote international exchange and cooperation.

Prof. Michal Lošťák, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Head of Department of Humanities, CZU Prague, shared thoughts on "Universities in the Time of Global Polycrises" and “In what sense are current crises the opportunity window for changing paradigms in internationalisation at life-science universities?".

Dr. Petra Chaloupková, Vice Dean for International Relations, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, CZU Prague focused on "Practical and Ethical Aspects of Mobility in the Time of Global Polycrises" and shared practical experience with international mobilities at FTA. She also promoted the outputs of the project Multiclass: Multicultural classrooms: Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Higher education.  

"Thanks to our extensive experience in implementing projects in various countries around the world, e.g. Cambodia, Georgia, Ethiopia, Syria, Ukraine, Zambia, in cooperation with an expert in staff safety during foreign trips, we have developed rules and procedures for the trips of FTZ students and staff and established a safety team for foreign mobility," she said.

This insightful session provided valuable perspectives and practical solutions for higher education professionals navigating the complexities of global polycrises.

Grafted plants have bloomed in the garden of the Belgian Embassy in Morocco, symbolising the intimate connection between North and South

Patrick Van Damme is not only one of the leading experts on tropical agriculture and ethnobotany, but he is also one of the few foreign scientists to head a Czech academic institution, as Dean of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences where his mandate started in April 2021. During his time at Ghent University, he and his then-assistant Emiel were asked by the well-known Belgian artist Eric van Hove to collaborate on the decoration of the garden of the new Belgian embassy in Morocco.  

Summer School 2024 in Cambodia

Join us for an Unforgettable Learning Journey in?southeast Asia. The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences announces Summer School 2024 in Cambodia, centered around the captivating theme: "Agro-food Systems Towards Green Technologies and Self-Sufficiency." 

Travel scholarship for Short-term mobilities and Internships

The International Relations Office and the Office of Science, Research and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences are launching a call for financial support of research stays abroad (internships).

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) for Sustainable Agriculture 2024 in Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey

Online Sessions 27 May + 03 June + 10 June 2024; Face to Face Sessions 22 - 26 July 2024. Number of participants from CZU: 6 students (bachelor, master or PhD level)

Long-term cooperation with universities from Indonesia

The FTA representatives were honored to welcome the delegation from two Indonesian universities to our faculty on 5th March, namely the Rector of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Arif Satria, and  Vice-Rector for Planning and Partnership of Tadulako University (UNTAD), Prof. Aiyen Tjoa, accompanied by esteemed members from their respective institutions.


Building upon previous collaborations between FTA, IPB, and UNTAD (projects: EURASIA, ALFABET, SIMPLE), led by the FTA Vice-dean for International Relations, Dr. Petra Chaloupková, a longstanding cooperation has been established. Meeting our esteemed colleagues was a great pleasure.


The discussions were marked by fruitful exchanges focusing on future collaborations, further strengthening the existing Memorandums of Understanding. Following the productive discussions, both parties expressed interest in exploring new ways for cooperation and enhancing existing partnerships. Plans for joint research projects and academic exchanges were also discussed to solidify the bonds between CZU, IPB, and UNTAD.

Experience FTZ during our Open Day

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences welcomes prospective students and invites them to upcoming Open Day. Join us on Friday, March 22, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to explore the opportunities at our faculty. Our Open Day offers a insight into our diverse study programs and the environment of the  faculty. Engage with our dedicated students and representatives from student organizations such as BeFair and Student Ambassadors, who will provide insights into life at our campus.


New exhibition in the vestibule of the FTA - Gandoca lives

The Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge is one of the most biodiverse areas on Earth and is one of the last places with a native forest on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

Costa Rica is one of the countries active in caring for nature and in general, it is forbidden to cut down trees, let alone in protected areas, but the reality is that the owner, in order to better sell his wooded land, totally destroys the entire undergrowth, leaving only large trees.

The Gandoka Forest on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is still alive, but it is gradually being destroyed by developers for plantations and construction. The Prof. August Bayer Endowment Fund wants to buy 50 hectares of land in the middle of the forest from farmers and create a base for research and education that will help save the entire Gandoka area - Manzanillo willdlife refuge.

The Czech ethnobiologist Vít Hrdoušek, who manages the "Gandoka Lives" project, has been involved in the protection of this area for three years and is now dealing with the possibility of purchasing a part of the species-rich lowland forest for research purposes. He presented the intentions of this project on 13.2.24 at the opening of an exhibition of photographs from this beautiful piece of Central America. An exhibition of photographs, including information about the project, can be seen in the vestibule of the FTZ.

Discover our world-class Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Global Forestry

Global Forestry (GLOFOR) is a two-year English language world-class Erasmus Mundus MSc programme preparing graduates to deal with forestry’s tremendous contemporary challenges and potentials with the problems of biodiversity protection, climate change, and the development of a circular bio-economy.

Euro League for Life Sciences - Plant Breeding Summer School for PhD and MSc students

"Ecological and evolutionary plant breeding for sustainability - Concepts of Darwinian Agriculture"

15 - 21 July 2024

Institut Agro, Montpellier, France.


More information and online application:

Schedule for summer semester 24/25

Summer semester - start – 12. 2. 2024. The semester is divided into 2 periods/blocks (1st – weeks 1-6; 2nd – weeks 7-12) - BE CAREFUL WHEN PREPARING YOUR SCHEDULE!! – pay attention to the footnotes under each timetable!!!

The “block teaching” means that there are two lectures and two seminars in one week, all of them are obligatory. But the course is taught only during the six weeks of the semester.


1st block (1. - 6. week) 12.2. -29.3.

2nd block (7. - 12. week) 2.4. – 3.5.


1st block (1. – 5. ) 12.2. - 15.3.

2nd block (6. - 10.) 18.3 – 19.4.

National holidays – 29. 3. + 1.4. (Easter Holidays), 1.5., 8.5.

Exam period (22. 4. – 30. 6. 2024)

Call for applications for the Erasmus+ study stay in the academic year 2024/25

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport using mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education. This call is open for student mobilities for studies during the academic year 2024/25.

FTZ starts new Erasmus+ project with agricultural universities in Kenya and Uganda

The goals of the 'green deal' for a climate-neutral and globally fair society are part of the EU priorities for university cooperation with African partners. The project 'ADVALUE' focuses on the training and research topis of sustainable agricultural value chains and is funded by the EU 'Erasmus+' program for capacity building in higher education. The international consortium is led by Nürtingen-Geislingen University.

FTA got new project funded by ELLS

The new project “Networking through student cooperation on case study challenges (NET-COOP)” is supported by ELLS network and the project team consists of academic staff from BOKU, CZU and SLU. The main goal of the project is to connect students of master's study programs of three ELLS universities (horizontally) and at the same time of different study programs (vertically) within one university so that they jointly develop a case study in the form of a proposal for an international project focused on the eating habits of refugees who had to leave their country. Each working group will prepare a part of the project in terms of its focus (food safety and security, plant health, social aspects of consumers, sustainability of agricultural production, international cooperation, SDG's) and will share it with other groups from partner universities. The topic of food security for refugees and their eating habits in the host country was chosen as a cross-cutting theme for the case studies in this project. According to information from the UNHRC (the UN Refugee Agency), there are currently 35.3 million worldwide refugees as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations or events seriously disturbing public order. More than half of all refugees come from just three countries, the Syrian Arab Republic (6.8 million), Ukraine (5.7 million), and Afghanistan (5.7 million). Most refugees are accepted by countries such as Turkey (3.6 million people), followed by the Islamic Republic of Iran (3.4 million people), Colombia (2.5 million people) and Germany (2.1 million people).

GLOFOR - World Wide Webinar

Are you ready to find out more about the Global Forestry Master degree programme? Don’t miss this opportunity, meet professors and ask questions about the enrolment procedure! Save the date: 1st February at 5.00pm (CET)

Register here :? or use the QR code

Science Day with the support of FTZ at the universities of Mostar

On 7 December 2023, a one-day Science Day programme was held to inform the general public with an interest in science about the research activities carried out at the University of Mostar and Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar.

FTZ co-organized an international conference in Cambodia

The project "Development of study programs and research in the field of sustainable agriculture and aquaculture in Cambodia" culminated in the third international conference organized in cooperation between the Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom Penh (RUA) and the Czech University of Life Scinces Prague with the support of the Czech Development Cooperation.

Students of FTA won applause at the ELLS conference

The 15th Scientific Student Conference of the Euroleague for Life Sciences with the theme “The Power of Science - Many Perspectives on our World” was held on 17 -18 November 2023 at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

Invitation to participate in the International Conference on Inclusive Education in Multicultural Classrooms

As MULTICLASS Project Team, we are delighted to invite scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners worldwide to participate in the International Conference on Inclusive Education in Multicultural Classrooms.

Second partner meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "MultiClass"

The representative of the International relations office Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences participated in the second partner meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "MultiClass".

Schedule for winter semester 23/24

Winter semester - start – 2nd Oct 2023. The semester is divided into 2 periods/blocks (1st – weeks 1-6; 2nd – weeks 7-12).

Summer school in Thailand

A summer school in Thailand called Value chain management was organized at Prince of Songkla University (PSU) in Thailand from August 1 to 18.

Additional call for applications for the Erasmus+ study stay in summer semester 2023/24

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport using mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education. This call is open for student mobilities for study during summer semester of the academic year 2023/24.

Tropical News 7 - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Dear students, colleagues, alumni, and FTA friends, Welcome to the seventh issue of Tropical News.

Our newsletter will give you a brief insight into the latest activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. 

This newsletter is distributed twice a year, and we would like to inform all our current and future partners of the news from our faculty to create new opportunities for cooperation.
We will be happy to get you involved in FTA activities, so feel free to contact us!

Thank you for your continued support!

You can find the Newsletter in the attached file below and previous Newsletters here.

Green plate forum

The Green plate forum was a sustainable international cooking event organized on 20th June, which is World Refugee Day, in the Tüwi student Restaurant, BOKU, Vienna. It was a student-led initiative that was a part of the activities of the project Circular Case Studies: Food Systems Transformation through Transdisciplinarity and Cooperation (2CS). Students of the course Applied Development Research II (BOKU Vienna, course led by Prof. Andreas Melcher) presented posters and presentations on five country case studies (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, and Peru) accompanied by a topic of refugees that came to Austria from various countries of the world: Flavours from afar: refugee cuisine in Austria. 


Lecture Invitation: Prof. Julius Kewir Tangka, Dr. Viyoi Catherine Tidze and Dr. Esther Etengeneng Agbor

Are you interested in advances in renewable energy research or sustainable energy sources in sub-Saharan Africa? We would like to invite you to special lectures given by Professor Julius Kewir Tangka and Doctor Viyoi Catherine Tidze. The lectures will take place on Tuesday, June 20 at 13:00 in room 401, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences.

ELLS - Scientific Student Conference 2023 - DL EXTENDED!

The deadline is extended till 30.6.! The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) organizes an annual student scientific conference for students from ELLS universities.The main theme of this year is The Power of Science - Many Perspectives on our World.


FTA organized Student Competition in Evaluation

On April 28, 2023, FTA together with the Czech Evaluation Society organized a competition for students of bachelor's and master's programs in relevant fields related to the project cycle and evaluation. 

FTA hosted the international conference: Global Research Collaboration: Harnessing Innovation for Food Systems Transition

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences hosted the Agrinatura General Assembly 2023 and scientific conference held from 10th May to 12th May. The General Assembly and international conference have proved to be a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and collaboration in agriculture for development. The Agrinatura General Assembly and conference brought together experts and professionals from different parts of the world to share ideas, experiences, and insights on various aspects of agriculture.

Almost 90 participants from 30 international institutions took part in these events and were actively engaged in the presentations, discussions, and networking sessions. Their presence made a significant impact on the quality of the event and helped create a platform for exchange and collaboration among attendees.



We would like to express gratitude to the esteemed speakers and presenters who shared their invaluable expertise and experiences during the conference.


The key topics discussed during the conference were:

  • Challenges and opportunities for youth involvement in Food Systems Evolution
  • Social innovations for Food Systems Transition
  • Implementation of technical innovations in Agroecological practices


The programme of the conference is available here: Agrinatura 2nd Conference 2023 | Agrinatura (


CINeZ seminar - Nicole Nova (Princeton University) - Distemper in Arctic Wildlife

Let us invite you to the last CINeZ seminar in this academic year. The talk entitled "Long-term, enzootic persistence and cross-species transmission of canine distemper virus in Arctic wildlife in North America" will be given by Dr. Nicole Nova from the High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. The seminar will take place exceptionally on Tuesday, June 13th, from 15:00 CEST in room 401 at FTZ.

You can also join the seminar at MS Teams via this link

All important information, including a flyer propagating the seminar, the abstract, and Nicole´s CV, are attached.

Please feel free to spread the information about the seminar to all your colleagues who could be interested in it. 

2nd Agrinatura conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11 May 2023

Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to participate in the conference we are organizing in cooperation with the international association Agrinatura.


Global Research Collaboration: Harnessing Innovation for Food Systems Transition

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic, 11 May 2023

Application for the Summer school "SustanMV2023"

Greetings from the University of Greifswald! This is to inform you that the application for our on-site summer school programme running from August 28th until September 8th will open soon. From May 1st until June 1st we accept applications directly via our website. Thanks to government funding, we are again able to offer SustainMV 2023 tuition free. Our on-site summer school is accredited with four ECTS according to the European Credit Transfer System. Accommodation is also a part of the scholarship. A final decision concerning the scholarship holders can be expected mid-June.

Invited lecture by Prof. Lesia Karpuk: “Crop production: opportunities and challenges in UKRAINE” which took place on Monday 19th

Prof. Lesia Karpuk is a Professor at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University (Ukraine). Nataliia Dyman is a Master of Ecology, a junior lecturer at the Department of language training for foreign students at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Barrande Mobility - the Czech-French mobility programme for researchers

A new call of the Franco-Czech mobility programme, “Barrande mobility”, has been launched, with a deadline on May 31st 2023. You will find below a short presentation of the programme (in English and in French).


Multidisciplinary Workshop: Green Transition & Biodiversity

First Announcement and Call for Contributions. Brussels, Monday 4 December 2023. The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences will organize its fourth Theme Day on Monday 4 December 2023. The goal of this conference is to allow young researchers under the age of 40, who are active in global South countries, to meet each other, whatever their specialization, but also to let them know the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences and its activities ( Abstracts may be submitted in English, French or Dutch, but preferably in English. Participation is free of charge but registration is compulsory

Summer school in Cambodia: Apply now!

Topic? "ASAP Cambodia -Assessing the sustainability of aquaculture production in Cambodia" When? 24th July to 4th August 2023

Agrinatura 2nd Conference: Global Research Collaboration: Harnessing Innovation for Food Systems Transition

THURSDAY, 11 MAY 2023 CZECH UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC. We would like to invite you to participate at the 2nd Agrinatura Conference dur ing this year General Assembly at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic.


Summer Schools University of Angers - One month left to apply

There is only one month left before the application deadline for the University of Angers Summer Schools 2023!

Study Tropical Agroecology online with us! Applications are now open.

Our newly launched online MSc degree programme offers students from all over the world the opportunity to specialise in Tropical Agroecology!


Tropentag 2023 - Call for papers

Tropentag 2023, hybrid conference (Berlin and online); September 20-22, 2023; 'Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies.'


Invited lecture by Dr Tetiana Grabovska: “Waste of War” Thursday 16th, 10-12:00 in room 313

The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war is the most powerful and largest conflict in Europe since World War II. Since the beginning of the war, significant damage has been caused to the infrastructure of settlements, the agro-industrial complex, the state of the natural environment of Ukraine, etc. Natural objects suffer from explosions, fires, atypical emissions, loads, changing landscapes. The situation with waste in Ukraine was difficult even before the war, as a large volume of waste was not only in landfills but also in unauthorized areas. The problem remains in sorting and processing. This presentation shows the state of environment in Ukraine and problems of waste during the war time.

Schedule of classes in summer semester 2022/23 taught in English at the FTA

The semester is divided into 2 periods/blocks (weeks 1-6), (weeks 7-12) OR (1-5) (6-10) - BE CAREFUL WHEN PREPARING YOUR SCHEDULE!! – pay attention to the footnotes under the each timetable!!!

Workshop on MSCA Doctoral Networks and Twinning: Advanced Materials & Processes and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability

The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST) and the Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency (BTHA) would like to invite you to a workshop aiming at initiating consortia and applications in the European funding program “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: Doctoral Networks”. The workshop takes place in Regensburg (Germany) from 22-23 March as a physical meeting.

SLU Sweden opportunity for thesis/internship

Find some possibilities for internships at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in the pdf below

Get two master’s degrees from two universities in only two years!

Study the first year at the home university and the second year at the host university abroad. Live an experience abroad and study in a cosmopolitan and multicultural environment. Do you like it? You can find more information at

UniLaSalle - Internship offers

Dear students, UniLaSalle offers you several internship offers. Find below a document with further information. Applications (CV + Cover letter) and questions about the internship must be sent directly to the contacts mentioned in the offers (see attached).


Deadline to apply for students: January 12th 2023


Financial support: 550€ /month (gratification)

Tropical News 6 - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Dear students, colleagues, alumni, and FTA friends, Welcome to the sixth issue of Tropical News.

Our newsletter will give you a brief insight into the latest activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. 

This newsletter is distributed twice a year and we would like to inform all our current and future partners of the news from our faculty to create new opportunities for cooperation.
We will be happy to get you involved in FTA activities, so feel free to get in touch with us!

Thank you for your continued support!

You can find the Newsletter in the attached file below and previous Newsletters here.

Meetings with colleagues from Vietnam - Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry

on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022, at 11:00 AM, in room NFTZ 401. Topics: „Smallholder farmer's adoption of digital extension services“ and “The dual purposes of using of the Black Soldier Fly larvae as organic waste treatment and animal feeds: A Case Study in VietNam


Junior Research Lab at Institut Agro Montpellier, Francia, in May and June

Application for the Junior Research Labat Institut Agro Montpellier in the south of Franceis now open! The 8 week-course is an opportunity to learn and practice research in agriculture, embedded in the large Agropolis scientific community.

Welcome events for the new students

The first event was an Online “Multicultural Environment and Study in the Czech Republic”, in which Student Ambassadors shared their experiences with studying at the FTA and living in a multicultural environment. The program also included an opening speech by the vice-dean Dr. Jana Mazancová, a presentation of the Study Administration Office and the Counseling Center for Integration.

Strengthening ties between CZU and HUAF

The 15-year cooperation between the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences CZU in Prague and the University of Agriculture and Forestry in Hue, Vietnam was newly expanded by taking on board the staff members of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences on a recent visit to Vietnam.

Schedule for winter semester 22/23

The semester is divided into 2 periods/blocks (1st – weeks 1-6; 2nd – weeks 7-12) - BE CARERUL WHEN PREPARING YOUR SCHEDULE!! – pay attention to the footnotes under the each timetable!!!

Czechia and Vietnam: strong bilateral relations between CZU and HUAF universities have potential for much greater expansion

Interview with Prof. Dr. Phung Le Dinh, the Vice-Rector of HUAF. By Klára Jiřičná

iPBL – SLU summer course

The last qualification round of the “Implementation of Project-Based Learning among master’s degree students in selected ELLS Universities (iPBL-EU)” projects is successfully behind us. We cannot wait to see all the winning groups in the final round in Prague during the ELLS conference!

From the 8th until the 19th of August, a summer course entitled “Plant Protection Biology: improving plant health under climate change and other stresses” was hosted by SLU Alnarp (Sweden) under the leadership of Erik Alexandersson. As a part of the course, iPBL was introduced to the students, who were divided into 6 groups and worked on 6 different case studies. At the beginning of the summer course, an introduction to iPBL and ELLS was given by Anna Maňourová, who also represented CZU in a jury on the final evaluation day, together with Svante Resjö (SLU) and Sebastian Michel (BOKU). After a very tight score between the last two groups, a team working on “Integrated pest management strategy for thrips to reduce tomato spotted wilt virus in tomatoes in Mexico” has been selected as the winner.

Big congratulations to all four winning teams from BOKU, CZU, SLU and the summer course! We hope to meet you in Prague on the 23rd of September for the final presentation round and the following award ceremony. Please, do not forget to register for the conference even if you only want to attend as a visitor and support your favourite team. The ELLS conference is tuition-free and offers a rich programme from all fields of Life Sciences. See you there! 

Evaluation of the Great Green Wall project

A team of experts led by prof. Van Damme of FTA CZU published the final evaluation of FAO’s Action Against Desertification that mainly operated under the Great Green Wall initiative and was implemented in 2014-2020 aiming at tackling environmental impacts linked to drought and desertification in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Fiji, the Gambia, Haiti, the Niger, Nigeria and Senegal (partly during the COVID-19 pandemic).

The evaluation involved online and face-to-face interviews, field visits in 8 countries allowing for direct observation of land restoration and livelihood activities and came to the following conclusions.


The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries listed below at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. The deadline for submitting applications for the academic year 2023/2024 is on 30 September 2022.

Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair in Prague

Everything an expat needs in Prague. The 9th edition of the biggest job fair for international job seekers in Prague, this time happening with Prague Relocation Fair. September 24, 2022 at 10AM-5PM Newly renovated Křižíkův pavilon B, Výstaviště Praha Holešovice (map)

A fresh concept of the most exciting networking event for expats in Prague. Jobspin Job Fair is perfect for international and bilingual job seekers looking for new job opportunities in Prague. Prague Relocation Fair brings together all key services for Prague expats under one roof. The official language of the fairs is English.

And, as we always do, the job fair is FREE to attend for all visitors.


It´s all about new beginnings for all the fresh graduates at the FTA. 75 BSc and MScs students of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences marched into the CZU AULA on June 23 to receive their diplomas. This year´s graduation provided a dignified opportunity to get together and celebrate the success after a difficult period of pandemic that would not allow students from different parts of the world to meet in person or even arrive in the Czech Republic to the faculty to enter the newly opened faculty building and experience friendly multicultural environment first hand.

Tropical News 5 - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Dear students, colleagues, alumni, and FTA friends, Welcome to the fifth issue of Tropical News. Our newsletter will give you a brief insight into the latest activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.


Be a Student Reporter at the Tropentag - A hybrid conference

...which will take place during 14 – 16 September 2022, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers' and academia's views

iPBL-EU project evaluation of the project has started

At the end of summer semester, evaluation of the projects, within the subject area of Plant Health and Plant Breeding started. The evaluation took place in different courses at our partners universities. Project final presentations were held face to face on 15th March at Swedish Agriculture University (SLU) and on 11th April at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU)

Trainings on diversifying the eating habits of Ethiopians

In recent weeks, FTA representatives Ing. Iva Kučerová, PhD and Sára Šebrlová visited the Arba Minch region in Ethiopia within the development project titled “Arba Minch Fruit Value Chain, Gamo zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia” implemented by Mendel University in Brno in cooperation with FTA, funded by the Czech Development Agency.

Erasmus+ Coffee at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

On Tuesday 31st May, the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (IRO FTA) organized an event called “Erasmus+ ICM Coffee” to join and meet all students, who are currently studying/doing an internship at the FTA under the Erasmus+ programme, within the project of the International Credit Mobility (ICM).  


Students – representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Syria and Ukraine – were sharing information about their countries, their home universities as well us about their studies and experiences gained during the mobility. There was also one presentation from FTA student, who is currently doing his internship in Vietnam, in Hue. 


The purpose of the event was not only to meet students from abroad, but to offer FTA students unique opportunity to make new contacts in these countries, and to apply for the ICM for the winter semester 22/23. The event was also organized to increase the visibility of the programme and to disseminate the Erasmus+ programme opportunities. 

Garden Fest 2022 at the FTZ ČZU

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences has again prepared a program within the framework of the Garden Fest of ČZU Alumni and Friends. You can enjoy tours of the laboratories (Herbarium and Molecular Genetics) and the FTA Botanical Garden, we will show you the collection of termites and tropical botany.

APPLY NOW for the Erasmus+ „International Credit Mobility“ (deadline for applications: 3rd June, 2022)

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport using mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education. „International Credit Mobility“ = project supporting mobilities between programme and partner countries.

New Master Double Degree Programme with the University of Hohenheim (Germany) has been open!

The new double degree study programme Agricultural Sciences and Farming Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics jointly coordinated by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA, CZU) and the University of Hohenheim (UHOH) was officially opened. This new study programme enables students to profit from the

Register to GFAR Talks II - The Ukraine conflict & the global agrifood system: implications for Africa and beyond

You are invited to the 2nd instalment of the GFAR Talks webinar series, showcasing informed debates on challenging and provocative topics related to agrifood system transformation. Organized in collaboration with YPARD and moderated by Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali OBE, this edition of GFAR T

Tropentag 2022

This year Tropentag 2022 is organised by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. All MSc and PhD students, scientists, extension workers, farmers

Support of Summer Schools in the EU 2022

Besides the Summer schools organized by CZU, you can apply for Summer schools organized in any EU country. Apply by filling out THIS online form till 30th May 2022.

How to dry a mango in Cambodia? Even in dryers from FTA!

Fruit processing methods were presented by Jan Staš (FTA employee, food processing expert) during a 10-day training for local farmers and future trainers within the project "iAGRO - Improving the agricultural value chain in Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia" implemented by CCE Diaconia and supported by the Czech Development Agency.

Travel scholarship for student mobilities 2022

The International Relations Office and the Office of Science, Research and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences are launching a call for financial support of research stays abroad (internships).

Annual Report 2021

Dear colleagues, students and friends of the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture, this is reportedly the first FTA annual report with a foreword in English. Rejoice and: boom drumbeat! (as Flemish poet, writer and Dada artist Paul van Ostaijen wrote in 1920).

Thai delegates from the Prince of Songkla University at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

Five representatives of the Prince of Songkla University (PSU) visited CZU between 21st – 25th March 2022. The visit was based on long-term cooperation and previous projects with FTA within Erasmus+ projects such as: EURASIA 2, ALFABET, AskAsia, SIMPLE and PISAI.

New Double degree study programme at FTA

The Double degree Master study programme “Agricultural Sciences and Farming Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics” is the first Double degree (DD) programme offered by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences. It is the unique opportunity for students to simultaneously receive two Master degrees in the area of „Agricultural Sciences and Farming Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics“ in only 2 years and thus enhance their position in the European and Czech labour market. The main objective of the DD programme is to enable students to profit from the different background of teaching and research of the partner universities in the area of tropical agriculture. In addition to the existing single degree programme “Tropical Farming Systems”, the double degree shall offer an additional benefit for the students by an increased selection of modules offered on tropical agriculture, the acquirement of soft skills in different teaching environments as well as cultural backgrounds and performing scientific work under the supervision of two academics from two different universities. Students will benefit from the elective modules at the host university that are more focused on environment, resource efficiency, aspects of developing countries and interdisciplinary work.

International Language Certificates

Do you need an international English language certificate? 

EDD 2022 – Submissions now open for sessions, stands and Young Leaders Programme

Dear EDD Community, Following the First Community Meeting two days ago, we are thrilled to announce that we have opened the applications to organise sessions and to be an EDD 2022 Young Leader.


We very much look forward to working once again with the EDD community to build an outstanding and inspiring programme for the European Development Days 2022.


Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is opening a CZU public fundraiser for Ukraine

Dear Colleagues, Dear Students, In response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague is opening a public fundraiser CZU for Ukraine to help Ukrainian citizens. The fundraiser account maintained with Česká spořitelna has the number 500 201 212/0800, variable symbol 997301.

CZU statement on the situation after the Russian army invaded the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine

The Czech University of Life Sciences is observing with concern the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine. Therefore, recent events have led the leaders of CZU and its components to make this joint statement.

Schedule of classes in summer semester 2021/22 taught in English at the FTA

Important days of summer semester 2021/22. Summer semester - start – 7th Feb 2022. Find out more here.

Save the date: SustainMV hybrid summer school in August 2022

This summer school project has only started last year online and is jointly hosted by all universities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV), North-East Germany. It is open to international Bachelor, Master and PhD students; postdoctoral researchers and academics also welcome. The overarching theme for this unique event is Sustainability in the fields of Tourism, Renewable Energies, Digital & Technological Innovations, Recycling & Waste Management and Ecosystems, showcasing opportunities for transformation through science and education for a sustainable future. It is funded by the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.     

Erasmus staff week 2022 at Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences

We are happy to share the invitation to Erasmus staff week 2022 that will be held physically at Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences (Klaipeda)! We are sharing preliminary program.


Dear Colleagues and Friends, please find below the Staff Training offer for the next spring, together with the current registration figures. Kindly share this with your Colleagues and Partners as long as it might be of their interest.

Best regards from Valencia


The event will be held on 8-9 April 2022 in Radom Academy of Economics at Traugutta 61a. Radom Academy of Economics and the Co-organizers invite you to participate in the International Scientific Conference on LIFE IN VIRTUAL REALITY - ECONOMIC, PEDAGOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS.

Registration for Studies within the Programme ERASMUS+ in Europe in ac. year 2022/202

You can register for the study exchange programme Erasmus+ by uploading of the documents mentioned below by 11.2.2022, 23:59 to

International Conference for Youth in Agriculture 2022 (ICYA22)

Are you ready to look into the future of cropping systems, meet fellow agricultural students and go on (real-life) excursions? During the International Conference for Youth in Agriculture 2022 (ICYA22)

New FTA project "implementation of Project-Based Learning (iPBL-EU)"

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague was granted for the first time by the ELLS (Euroleague for Life Sciences) Fund for Incentives. This project is called the implementation of Project-Based Learning among Master’s degree students in selected ELLS Universities (iPBL-EU) and is coordinated by the FTA (CZU) together with partners from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU (Austria) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SLU (Sweden).  


Tropical News 4 - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Dear Reader, Welcome to the fourth issue of Tropical News. Our Newsletter provides a brief insight into the latest updates about activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Postdoc at SLU: genetic regulation of seed storage compounds in Pisum sativum

The Department of Plant Breeding conducts research, education and innovation work of strategic importance for society's long-term supply of food, industrial raw materials and energy, and to meet an

12th CASEE conference 2022 in Chisinau

CASEE Secretariat is happy to announce that we have opened online submissions for abstracts for the 12th CASEE Conference entitled "Sustainable agriculture in the context of climate change and digitalization" . The event will be hosted by the State Agrarian University of Moldova (Chisinau) on 22 – 24 June 2022 (the anticipated format of the conference is the physical meeting with face to face sessions).  

Visit of 4 universities in Ukraine and much more!

Our PhD students Marek Jelínek, Jan Staš and Eduardo Duque Dussán, along with Assoc. Prof. Hynek Roubík, travelled to Ukraine as delegates of the FTA under the scientific cooperation project "Strengthening scientific capacities and cooperation of Ukrainian universities in AgriSciences" supported by the Czech Development Cooperation via Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Learn & Discuss - Edible Insects

On the 30th of November, the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences hosted the first of the Learn & Discuss series. The aim of this series is to focus on interesting topics and provide listeners knowledge in the form of a lecture, but also to promote discussion on the topic and hands-on involvement in a more open, fun, and collegial environment among fellow students. The topic of this first L&D series was Edible Insects. 

CZU mission to Azerbaijan under FAO project on climate change

This mission within the FAO funded project on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan allowed us to have first direct contact with the actors in the field.

Fund-raising campaign to aid biodiversity in South Cameroon

Scientists from the FTA, CZU Prague call for help for Ebogo village in Cameroon. Donors can help to protect the endangered tropical forest, sustainable development of the local rural community and children's education in Ebogo and surrounding villages.

A look back at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences:

As part of the FTA OPEN DAY, organized to mark the 60th anniversary of its founding and held in the brand-new building of the Pavilion of Tropical AgriSciences, the new Belgian-born Dean Prof. Patrick Van Damme – was solemnly crowned with the Bone and Pineapple, having sworn the following:

FTA staff contributing to enhancing the educational and research activities at the Hawassa University in Ethiopia

Our employees Marie Kalousová, Barbora Černá Bolfíková, Iva Bernáthová, Stacy Hammond and Anna Chládová recently returned from Ethiopia where they conducted activities within the project “Publication and Research Activities Development for Education in Life Sciences at Hawassa University”.

Erasmus Internship at Universidad Loyola

Dear colleagues and friends, we are contacting you to inform you that we are hiring interns! The International Relations Office of Universidad Loyola Andalucía is looking for 2 interns starting on January 15th, 2022 up to June 30th , 2022

The final phase of project Integrated Farming II in Zambia - ponds harvest

FTA experts (Jan Staš, Radim Kotrba and Petr Pudil) just started the final phase of the projectIntegrated Farming II in Zambia by conducting the monitoring harvests of the fishponds.

News from Cameroon

PhD students Dennis Kyereh and Marie Kalousová; from the Tropical Biodiversity Research Group (TBG) were in Cameroon for the implementation of the project entitled: “Morphological and genetic characterization of Ricinodendron heudelotii (Baill.) Heckel in natural and domesticated populations in Cameroon”.

SIMPLE - inspiration for new CBHE projects

The SIMPLE project, coordinated by FTA and co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, was focused on bridging the gap between universities and the professional sector in Europe (Czechia, Austria and Belgium) and Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand). Find more info about the project here.

FTA has extended its presence and partnership in Kenya

In July 2021, the vice-deans of FTA – dr. Jiří Hejkrlík and dr. Jana Mazancová, extended and formalized the cooperation between FTA and The Cooperative University of Kenya in Nairobi (CUK). The start of the collaboration is dated back to 2020 when the head of the Cooperative Research Team

International Credit Mobility: Cooperation between the FTZ/FTA and Agricultural University of Tirana

In September 2021, the members of the Department of Economics and Development from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences visited their counterparts from the Agricultural University of Tirana as an initiative supported by the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project.


We would like to invite you to the Faculty Open Day at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences in Prague


The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences cordially invites you to a public streaming of the virtual conference Tropentag 2021, 15.- 17. September 2021, Pavilion of Tropical AgriSciences, CZU

Erasmus + ESCAPAdE is not an escapade but a summer school

From 17 to 24 August 2021, a summer school called Host Plant Resistance Breeding took place in Alnarp, one of the 4 campuses of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) based in Uppsala. It was organized as part of the ESCAPAdE project - EraSmus Curricula in Applied PlAnt SciEnces, a European project funded by the European Union-funded Erasmus + Strategic partnership from September 2018 to August 2021

We fought for Sustainable Development Goals again!

Not even the pandemic could stop members of the volleyball team of the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture of the CZU in Prague from participating in a beach volleyball tournament in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.

How does the tropical reality concern the Czech Republic?

“What we have seen is that over time now, a number of crops that we equate with southern areas are also being at least tested in the Czech Republic.“ Read or listen to the full interview HERE.

Science Diplomacy Webinar; Building Communication Strategies on Biotechnology for the United Nations Biodiversity Conference

Learn and understand the key concepts, processes and approaches, to the formulation of international decisions using Biotechnology as a case study for developing the needed skills.

FTA calls for support for the Hodonín Zoo, devastated by tornado

A tornado such as Czechs know only from Hollywood movies swept through southern Moravia on the night of June 24 and, among other things, razed half of the HODONÍN ZOO...

Staff Training Week at Vilniaus Kolegija/UAS

Creativity, challenge by Lithuanian business enterprise, and Lithuanian language and culture are our three key elements for the 2021 Staff Training Week!

A quick stop in Cameroon – science, development, termites

Cameroon is a country of extremes and the fieldworks there, for sure, belong to the most challenging ones. The things work either extremely well, easy and smooth, or not at all. Working at such a sinusoid of ups and downs is indeed demanding and often exhausting.

Traineeship offer - 2022 International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) Applications Open

We are sharing with you a traineeship offer - 2022 International Parliamentary Scholarship (IPS) Applications Open – Apply by July 31, 2021!

Tropical News 3 - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Dear Reader, Welcome to the third issue of Tropical News. Our Newsletter provides a brief insight into the latest updates about activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Mobile laboratories CZU mobiLAB in Zambia

Experts from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences launched 3 units of the CZU mobiLAB - a mobile laboratory for the detection of infectious diseases

Webinar for newly admitted students

A successful online webinar was held on April 30, 2021 by FTA staff and Student Ambassadors for newly admitted foreign students. The webinar was called, "What to do after the entrance exam?", and it was focused on the process of obtaining visas / long-term residence permit for study purposes in the Czech Republic. There were just under 100 foreign students that signed up for the webinar!

FNSSA Stakeholder Engagement Week Virtual Event

Let us kindly invite you to the On-Line Thematic Session: Activities of central and eastern EU countries in research and Innovation partnership with Africa as a part of Stakeholder engagement week that is organized within LEAP4FNSSA project

Travel scholarship for student mobilities 2021

The International Relations Office and the Office of Science, Research and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences are launching a call for financial support of research stays abroad (internships).

PHOTO REPORT: Inauguration of the Dean Prof. Patrick Van Damme

On May 5, Prof. ir. Dr. Patrick Van Damme was inaugurated as the new Dean of the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture CZU. He was appointed to the office by the CZU rector Prof. Petr Sklenička and replaced Prof. Jan Banout.

Webinar(s): All about traineeship, Erasmus+

We would like to invite everyone to our webinar dedicated to traineeships abroad within the Erasmus+ programme which will be held on 28th April at 7:00 PM

How is the development of integrated agriculture in Zambia doing?

The team from the CZU, namely Vladimír Verner, Radim Kotrba, Zbyněk Polesný, Jan Staš from FTZ and Miloslav Petrtýl from FAPPZ, is currently conducting fieldwork in the Western Province of Zambia. The activities are realized in the frame of implementation of two development projects, namely "Integrated Farming II" led by Mendel University in Brno and "Agribussines4LIFE “ led by Charita Czech Republic.

Census 2021 - obligatory also for foreigners

Dear colleagues, dear students, let usinform you that this year the Census 2021 will run in the Czech Republic. It is obligatory for all citizens even for foreigners living in the Czech Republic for a period longer than 90 days. The census is done once per 10 years and it is a duty regulated by law (with a penalty to those, who will not participate). You can enumerate yourself from 27 March to 9 April.

Patrick Van Damme, un Belge a la tete de la faculté des sciences agricoles tropicales de Prague

In a French interview for Radio Prague International, Professor Patrick Van Damme, the new dean at the FTA, talks about his plans to improve the faculty´s world-wide ranking #FrenchOnly

2021 GCHERA World Agriculture Prize Nominations Now Open till June 30th

Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agriculture and Life Sciences about the World Agriculture Prize. 

2nd ICCCS conference in Bali

We cordially invite you and your colleagues to participate in our incoming academic  International Conference on Climate Change and The Built Environment to be held on the 5th August 2021. Please find more information in our website:

Conference Bioeconomy and Circular Economy

Information about conference Bioeconomy and Circular Economy which will be held in English, online on 16th March 2021. More information and registration via link below. 

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA) CZU has elected a foreign national as a new dean in an effort to expand its international positioning/ranking

In March 2021, Prof. Patrick Van Damme became the second dean of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA) but the first dean ever as a foreign national in the history of the Czech University of Life Sciences.

News from Ethiopia: how are the projects in Awassa and Arba Minch doing?

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences has a wide representation of development projects in Ethiopia under the auspices of the Czech Development Agency. However, in cooperation with Mendel University in Brno, we primarily solve two projects implemented in the vicinity of the cities of Arba Minch and Awassa. These are "Implementation of a Fruit Value Chain for Improved Nutrition and Efficient Production in Arba Minch Zuria" and "Protection of Awassa Lake through Sustainable Management of Surrounding Area".

Renewed call for papers - International Conference - Africa and climate change

Please find attached the call for papers of the annual conference organized by the Africa Platform of Ghent University Association: "Africa and its ecologies: people and nature in the age of climate change".


One of the goals of this group of projects is to motivate excellent Czech scientists who have long-term international experience, and are in the early stages of their careers, to carry out their own “Excellence Project” at an institution in the Czech Republic for the duration of the Project, i.e. 3 years.

Exploration of Academic–Industrial Links / Best Practices in Teaching Innovation

We would like to invite you to our first online staff week From May 18th to 20th 2021

PhD scholarship in ecology of soil-plant interactions in tropical grasslands

3-year PhD position carrying out greenhouse experiments in Norway and field research in Ethiopia; Deadline: 14.03.2021

Promising healing effects of local Samoan nutmegs revealed: antimicrobial + anticancer

A team of international scientists from CZU, led by Prof. Ladislav Kokoška working with Samoan Ph.D. student Julian Wong Soon from Osaka University found healing effects of two local species of Samoan nutmeg (Myristica hypargyraea and Myristica inutilis) against staphylococcus aureus and colon cancer cells.

Virtual Global Farmer Innovation Fair 10-11 Feb 2021

On 10–11 February 2021, Prolinnova and A Growing Culture (AGC) will celebrate small-scale family farmers through the global Farmer Innovation Fair (FIF). This virtual event will give men and women farmers in Africa and Asia a chance to showcase their innovations and to learn about the activities of others in local innovation and farmer-led Participatory Innovation Development (PID). 

Schedule of courses at the FTA valid for Summer semester 20/21

Important days of summer semester 2020/21 can be found here

The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture for Well Being and Food Security

The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture (ICSAA) for Well Being and Food Security was organized by the Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University in Thailand on 11 and 12 January 2021. The conference was organized with the support of PISAI project and FTA is the active partner of this project financed by the Erasmus+ programme.

Postdoctoral position at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences - Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

The postdoc position is offered for 10 months for applicants from all over the world, out of the Czech Republic. The position starts from 1st September 2021 and finishes on 30th June 2022.

Study Programme ERASMUS+ in Europe Registration for new ac. year 2021/2022

You can register for the study exchange programme Erasmus+ by sending the documents mentioned below by February 12th, 2021, 11:59 AM to e-mail

Tropical News 2 - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Welcome to the second issue of Tropical News. Our Newsletter will give you a brief insight into the latest updates about activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

CASEE Online Winter School 2021 – Food Environment and Health Risk Assessment in Danube Region (DanubeFEHRA)

On behalf of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, we are very glad and honored to invite your students to participate in the international “CASEE Online Winter School 2021

FTA Dean's Award 2020 - Call for nominations

The Department for Science and Research announces the FTA Dean's Award for the best publication or popularization output of FTA employees

CZU mobiLAB offers a complex solution for detection of infectious diseases (including COVID-19) in inaccessible areas of developing countries

The Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague introduces a concept of mobile laboratories, CZU mobiLAB. CZU mobiLAB is ready for use in humans and veterinary medicine for the identification of any infectious agents based on nucleic acid detection in sampled individuals. The concept of CZU mobiLAB can be used in inaccessible areas of the developing world and at the same time offers solutions for developed countries in case of reaction to an unexpected threat.

How to get a job or traineeship in EU institutions? Well, it is easier than you think!

Are you interested in learning more about CZU involvement in this program? Follow the Facebook profile of EU Careers ČZU or contact Lucie Dostalíková directly.

Travel scholarship for student mobilities

The International Relations Office and the Office of Science, Research and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences are launching a call for financial support of research stays abroad (internships).

Supplemental Registration for Studies in Europe via ERASMUS+ Programme in Summer Semester of ac. year 2020/2021

You can register for the study exchange programme Erasmus+ by sending the documents mentioned below by October 15th, 11:59 AM to e-mail

Important information about the upcoming academic year 2020/2021

All courses at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA) from September 29, 2020, will be organized as distance teaching (online lecturing).

Schedule of courses at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences valid for Winter semester 20/21

Important days of winter semester 2020/21 - More information can be found in attached file.

The new external Dormitory West is opening its doors!

Check-in will be available from 15th of September for mid-term and long-term stays. 4 types of rooms, 35 minutes from the CZU campus, private bathroom, silent study rooms and other benefits for you. Online application and other information with photos on the website 

Syrian Project Documented 80 Wild Plants as a Food Source

During the period March - June 2020, while COVID-19 was strongly hitting many regions around the world, making travel and field research more complicated, our Ph.D. student Naji Sulaiman was collecting data for his dissertation in a double challenging spot of our planet.

Tropical News - “Newsletter for FTA Friends”

Welcome to the first issue of Tropical News. Our Newsletter will give you a brief insight into the latest updates about activities and international cooperation at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Notice about postponement of the Summer School "Econometrics in Agriculture

The Summer School will be on September 7-11, 2020, in Barletta (Italy). 

CZU Prague is recording success in the international THE Impact Ranking 2020

The CZU Prague placed first in the Czech Republic in the THE Impact Ranking 2020. In the overall ranking, CZU was ranked 201st - 300th in the world. A total of 766 universities from all over the world successfully participated in THE Impact Ranking this year.

The cooperation between our faculty and ICRAF

The cooperation between our faculty and ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre) is the logical outcome of more than two decades of research and development of agroforestry projects in various regions of the world

Organization of the remaining part of the academic year 2019/2020 in the field of pedagogy

Due to the ongoing State of Emergency and the necessary measures in place for the COVID-19 pandemic, some changes have to be made to the academic year schedule. It is clear to us that the current situation increases the tension and stress to which you are exposed, so we aim to ensure that you - the students - are able to successfully complete the academic year.

Change of the date of Final State Examinations at FTA for the academic year 2019/2020

Regarding the current situation with the spread of COVID-19, the date of the Final State Examinations (FSE) at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA) has changed.

New Pavillion of Tropical AgriSciences

A  new state-of-the art facility called “the green building“ will be the latest expansion of the campus of the Czech Life Science University (CZU). Prospective students of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences interested in the fields of tropical agriculture and developing countries can enjoy the new premises as of this fall semester. The facility will offer top-notch technologies and space for scientific research.

Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to Zambia and COMESA

Are you a young graduate interested in international relations? Are you curious to learn more about work of a diplomatic mission and how the EU Delegation represents EU interests and values in Zambia?


Study Programme ERASMUS+ in Europe Registration for new ac. year 2020/2021

You can register for the study exchange programme Erasmus+ on the board in front of the office T136. You will fill in your name, e-mail, year of study in 20/21 and length of stay to the table of university you want to study, not later than February 18th 2020, 11:59 AM.

Schedules for summer semester 2019/2020

Here you can find schedules for summer semester 2019/2020.

International Credit Mobility: cooperation between Czech Republic and Syria

We would like to inform you that we are offering 3-month mobility exchange for PhD students to the Tishreen University in Syria. 

Summer School “Econometrics in Agriculture”

...which will be held in Barletta (Italy) from June 15 to June 19, 2020, and organized by the University of Foggia (Italy). 


Student group BeFair at CZU has spiced things up once again at the Faculty of Tropical AgriScience at the International Fair Party (IFP) yearly event where multicultural and exotic feels like home. Everyone was invited to have a good time on Dec 11 on campus.

Scholarship programs for PhD students in France

Offer of scholarship programs for PhD students in France.

Study Abroad Fair at Wageningen University

On the 7th of November 2019 Wageningen University & Research (WUR, Netherlands) had organised the annual Study Abroad Fair. Sofiia Pyshnieva, master student of Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, who is doing an Erasmus semester abroad at WUR, got a chance to share her experience about living and studying in Prague. 

New offer of practices at the Veterinary Faculty - UAB - Barcelona

We inform you that the on-line application is open until January 31st   for a placement between June and December 2020. 

We offer practices on the following services:

Conference co-organized by BRT

In November 2019, our Biogas Research Team co-organized conference in Bila Tserkva (Ukraine).

Scientific Day in Mostar

On Monday, December 9, 2019, the University of Mostar with University of Džemal Bijedič (Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) in cooperation with FTA organized Scientific Day.

Student Scientific Conference in Cambodia

FTA organized the second annual international scientific conference for young scientists and students, which was held on 5 December 2019 at the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Cambodia.

Global Korean Scholarship (GKS) Program

Korea University informed us about scholarship programme for international students. Details are attached

Workshop Project management and HR AWARDS organised in Ukraine

FTZ representatives organized “Project Management Training - Preparation of the EU Projects and HR Awards” at the partner universities in Ukraine - Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy State University, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University as part of the project “Support for young university capacities in the field of quality of education and scientific and research activities in Ukraine”.

Scientific Conference at Royal University of Agriculture

The scientific conference 2019 for young scientists and students will be held on 5th December 2019 at the Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Project COST Action

The first project meeting took part in Brussels in October, 14, 2019. Dr. Miroslava Bavorová, from FTA CULS, participated at the meeting as a Member of Management Committee and representative of the Czech Republic.

Przewalski’s horse in The Great Gobi B SPA Protected Area in Mongolia

Read about impressive research of our PhD student Anna Bernátková who just came back from her research activities in Mongolia.

Internship Farm work Norway opportunity

Do you like to stay abroad with a relation to nature? Then farm work in Norway is just right for you

Thai delegates of the PISAI project at FTA

This Autumn 2019, the delegates of the PISAI project (Participatory and Integrative Support for Agricultural Initiative) from Thai partner universities visited the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) as arranged by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA).

Instructions for students -WIFI, ISIC charging

Guidlines - How to conect to CULS WIFI and How to charge ISIC online

FTA at Tropentag Conference 2019 in Kassel

Conference Tropentag 2019 with topic "Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources management" was held on September 18th - 20th at Universities of Kassel and Goettingen, Germany.

Petra Chaloupková was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in Tropical Agricultural Resources Management at Prince of Songkla University

In recognition of her contribution and dedication to the advancements and improvements of higher education beyond the field of her expertise, and to honour her valuable outputs, the Council of the Prince of Songkla University in the Meeting 407, held on June 1, 2019, unanimously agreed to award an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Tropical Agricultural Resource Management to Dr. Petra Chaloupková. The awarding ceremony took place in the Convention Hall of the Prince of Songkla University in Hat Yai on September 8, 2019. Dr. Chaloupková was honoured to receive the degree from Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn, who – being scientist herself – has founded a research institute and give lectures at Mahidol University in Bangkok. Due to the presence of a member of royal family at the ceremony, a spot from the handover was on Thai national TV in the prime time news.

Lancaster University Study Abroad Brochure 2020

 Please find attached an electronic copy of our 2020 Study Abroad Brochure.

Summer school in Cambodia 2019

In August we organised the 6th summer school in Cambodia at Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Phnom Penh. The summer school is the integral part of the development projects supported by Czech Development Agency (CDA).

FTA Summer School in Ukraine for students and young researchers with focus on Waste Management

In August, we organized in Ukraine under the leadership of Ing. Hynek Roubík, Ph.D. (from our Biogas Research Team) another field research of FTA students together with students and young researchers from three other Ukrainian universities - Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy State University and Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.

Gaurav Khanna - My Internship at FTA's Biogas Reseach Team

Read an interesing report from student (Gaurav Khanna) internship at our Biogas Research Team

Internship in STAGE MALTA

This year, Stage Malta is celebrating 14 successful years of providing: Mobility Programmes, Internship and Work Placement opportunities, Research & Training visits, Entrepreneur programmes, as well as..

Summer school „Value chain management“ in Thailand 2019

This year, CULS students had another opportunity to attend the 2nd Summer School in Thailand for the MODULE 1 of this project on the topic of Value Chain Management, thanks to the cooperation of this project. 

The years with elands are running

The collaboration of staff and students of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences to save the Western Derby eland in Senegal will soon turn its twenties...

Student Guide

The Guide for International Students offers comprehensive information about studies and life at CULS Prague. 

How FTA scholarships can help?

Read a story of a brave young lady Frilly Andrelia Utami, who has gone through hard life time during and after the tsunami in Palu, Indonesia in 2018. Our Faculty gave her an opportunity to stundy in Czech Republic for 6 months.

Warsaw University of Life Sciences

International Scholarship Exchange of PhD candidates and Academic Staff - fully covered

Learn english in New York!

Study at College of Staten Island/City University of New York - English Language Institute

Summer school in Ukraine - Call for participants

Call for participants - Summer school at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University with topic "Research in practice - Waste management", 22th – 31th August, 2019

ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2019

Let us remind you the new deadline for abstract submission to the ELLS Scientific Student Conference 2019, which will be held at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala, Campus Ultuna.

Manuel Gomes Guerreiro Prize | Applications until July 15, 2019

Applications will be accepted until July 15 for the Manuel Gomes Guerreiro Prize which will recognize a published work, book or doctoral thesis which has contributed to scientific development in one of the fields of study of the University of Algarve.

FTA participated at the international fair NAFSA 2019: The International Education Event of the Year!

The NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo unites nearly 10,000 attendees each year from more than 3,500 institutions and organizations from over 100 countries. It is the most comprehensive international education event serving the diverse needs of the entire international education community. The NAFSA 2019 conference was organised on 26-31 May, 2019 in Washington D.C., USA. The 2019 annual conference theme, “Global Leadership, Learning, and Change,” encouraged reflection on the current state of the field and on how to work through the changes and challenges in the area of higher education. The opening plenary was provided by Dr. Madeleine K. Albright and General Colin L. Powell. During the fair, study programs offered at FTZ were presented and cooperation with universities from Ecuador, Chile, Spain, etc. was established.

Representatives of FTA at the General Assembly of Agrinatura

From Tuesday, May 14th to Friday, May 16th, 2019, General Assembly of representatives of all members of the Agrinatura (The European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development) was held in Gembloux, Belgium.

Summer School Philippines 2019

Food security & Climate Change Summer School Philippines 2019: agrinatura students can apply now! Deadline 1stMay !


Deadline: April, 24th 2019, 

Lenght: 3-6 months, 

Stipendium: 1.350 - 2.000 EUR / month

Erasmus internships offer

ERASMUS internships offer by the consortium EDUCA

PhD Vacancy - KU Leuven, Belgium

The Centre of Expertise for Cooperative Entrepreneurship (KCO) of KU Leuven, Belgium is looking for 5 full-time PhD students to pursue research on cooperatives in various areas of business economics and management. Please disseminate this information among those who might be interested in. More detailed information is in the attached file.

Travel scholarship for student mobilities 2019

The International Relations Office and Office of Research and Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences are launching a call for financial support of research stays abroad (internships).

ReThink Protein Challenge organized by Wageningen University

Join ReThink Protein Challenge organized by Wageningen University! More information HERE.

Future Food Initiative: Postdoctoral fellowships for food systems of the future

The first call for fellowship applications has just started and will run until 30 April 2019. It is focused on studying ancient plant varieties to develop tasty, nutritious food as well as alternatives to proteins from dairy. “Plant-based, protein-rich raw materials have enormous potential for new foods that can contribute to a balanced diet and reduce consumption of animal-based dietary components while also reducing the impact on the environment,” says Mathys.

Tropentag 2019 organised by University of Kassel, September 18-20, 2019

 Tropentag 2019 - Call for papers! Topic: ''Filling gaps and removing traps for sustainable resources development''

Erasmus days

Come to learn more about the programme, see winning photos, listen to lectures and presentations of students who have already studied abroad...
February 13 - 14, 2019 
10:00 – 14:00 at CULS Menza

TOEIC English - Listening and Reading

Do you need TOEIC English certificate? You can do it at our Language department. You can find all information HERE.

The FTA representatives participated in the launch of the LEAP4FNSSA project

A New project within H2020 programme titled „Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security, and Sustainable Agriculture (LEAP4FNSSA)” was officially launched in Accra, Ghana at these days.

Collaboration agreement signed with the National University of Mongolia

For the last two years members of our Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences have been lecturing a summer school on “livestock-wildlife interactions”, organised by the NGO People in Need. This initial contact finally lead to signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the National University of Mongolia,

FTA hosts director of Gobi B to work on the conservation of this protected area

In December, FTA had the pleasure to host the director of Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia, Ganbaatar Oyunsaikhan, as part of the ongoing collaboration between our institutions and Prague Zoo.

The Czech University of LifeSicences in Prague hosted a board meeting of AGRINATURA

Agrinatura Association is a grouping of European universities and research organizations with a common interest in supporting the development of agriculture in a sustainable way and in order to improve the lives of the farmers.

Semester in english at Agrocampus Ouest, France : AGROECOLOGY

Information about studying a semester in taught in english at Agrocampus Quest, France.

FTA organized student's scientific conference in Cambodia

As part of the development project "Support of Science and Research at the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia", a team of experts from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences and the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources

Staff team from FTA and FAFNR, is helping with three development projects in Zambia

Staff team from CULS Prague, FTA and FAFNR, is helping with implementation of three development projects funded by the Czech Development Agency, in cooperation with Caritas Czech Republic, University of Barotseland,

Choisir la France / Choose France

Institut Francais is inviting all students interested in doing a PhD or a research internship in France to the event below.

Visit of International Alumni

The Alumni of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague were invited to  visit their Alma Mater.  Five selected graduates from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Faculty of Economic and Management and Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources spent one week at the University and participated the meetings at the faculties. They were representatives of our parnetrs universities from China, Mongolia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Thailand. The main purpose was to promote actual study programmes, research and international activities at the faculties and support strengthening of further international activities. At the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences they discussed the actual research and academic issues with the dean of the Faculty and representatives of all departments, visited the botanial garden as well as the laboratories.

Data colection in southwestern Siberia in Altai Krai and Altai Republic

One of our student (Lenka Hofierkova) spent one and half month in southwestern Siberia in Altai Krai and Altai Republic where she collected data for her diploma thesis under supervisor Miroslava Bavorova.

Travel scholarship for student mobilities – 3rd round

The International Relations Office of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences has opened a call for Bachelor, Master students and PhD candidates, who are conducting the research for their theses in cooperation with foreign universities.

ALFABET project successfully completed

The Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences coordinated the Erasmus Mundus project ALFABET which was oriented to support the mobility exchange of students and teaching staff among the universities in EU and Asia. 

Incoming student from Czech Republic hosted at the SUMY

"I got a great opportunity thanks to the FTA to participate for three months at International Credit Exchange Mobility program which will be held in Sumy, Ukraine."

Scientific Practical Conference

The CULS together with the Royal University of Agriculture are organising the Scientific Practical Conference hosted at the RUA Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 29th November 2018. 

Visit from Nigeria

Based on the ongoing cooperation between the representatives of the Bauchi state (Nigeria) and the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciecnes (CULS) following members of the delegation to a joint meeting at the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture on Monday 22nd October 2018. 

Participation in the exchange program for teaching staff

“Participation in the exchange program for teaching staff called International Credit Mobility: cooperation between Czech Republic and Ukraine” 

Incoming students from Ukraine are hosted at the FTA

International Credit Mobility: cooperation between the Czech Republic and Ukraine coordinated by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences is to exchange the students and staff among the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) together with two Ukrainian universities:

Internships in Malta - PARAGON

We are pleased to inform you about long stay paid placements in Malta.

French Government scholarships for PhD students

We are pleased to inform you that the call for French Government scholarships is now open.

IPB Job Fair “Career and Entrepreneurship Expo 2018”

IPB Job Fair Career and Entrepreneurship Expo 2018 was held at Bogor Agriculture University in Indonesia 21st and 22nd September 2018.

Schedules for winter semester 2018/2019

Here you can find schedules for winter semester 2018/2019.

New schedule for academic year 2018/2019

Here, you can find new schedule for academic year 2018/2019

Another collaboration successfully established!

Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences officially build up a partnership with Higher Institute of Environmental Sciences (HIES) in Cameroon

CZU came to visit the University of Battambang

On March, Hynek Roubik from Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (from our BiogasResearchTeam) and Anna Brunerová from Faculty of Engineering, visited the University of Battambang. 

Summer school „Value chain management“ in Thailand

Summer School in Thailand  called „Value chain management“ took place from 8th to 28th August at Chiang Mai University.

Scholarships Awards for students from developing countries

Scholarship Awards within the Foreign Development Assistance Programme for students from developing countries.

Internship for students "Youth in Landscapes Network Intern"

Six monts internship in Bonn, Germany for all students. For more information please...

Placement Offer at the UAB

Placement Offer Erasmus+ Traineeship 2018 – Support to International Students.

International Education Conference NAFSA 2018

The Vice-Dean for International Relations, FTA Ing. Petra Chaloupková, Ph.D. together with the head of the international office Ing. Aneta Krémová 

Second round for Support of Student Mobility

Second round for Support of Student Mobility open till 30th June 2018, 11:59 AM.


The deadline for the application is the 30th of June, 2018

Offer of Practices at the UAB

The online application will be open from 1 of June to 28 of June of 2018.

Agrinatura Travel Grants 2018 REMINDER!

Deadline for submitting abstract to Tropentag is April 15, and the deadline for Agrinatura travel grant requests is May 15!

Support of Summer Schools in the EU

 Apply by sending by May 15th, 2018 to

Study in Mexico

Winter Semester 2018/19 at Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico


Call for PhD candidates to Ukraine - till 31st March

Sumy National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

WULS-SGGW_Visegrad Scholarship Program for MSc students

Deadline for pre-acceptance: March 8th

Visegrad Scholarship Program

Application by March 15th, 2018

Agrinatura Travel Grants 2018

AGRINATURA will grant max. 8 students from AGRINATURA network by travel grant of amount 300 EUR.

Internships at BOKU, Vienna

Application period: February 10th - March 10th

Best 2017 Internship and Volunteer Opportunities

Gain real-world experience with one of 10 student internship opportunities abroad!

PIC Management- Internships abroad 2017/18

France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Malta, Maldives, Panama, UK

Montpellier SupAgro - Academic Exchange 2017/2018

Deadline for applications: 30th of October

Project Erasmus+ SIMPLE organizes training course for staff of Asian Alumni Centres

WHEN: October, 9-13

WHERE: BOKU University, Vienna

Marketing and Sales Administration Placement/Internship in the UK!

Great placement/internship opportunity that are looking for a candidate to start in July!

Study in Prague photo/video competition

Téma/Theme: We’ve met in Prague

Deadline: 30.4.2017


New Zealand - Dairy Careers

Twelve month Live, Learn and Earn programme in New Zealand

Summer Abroad

Summer abroad? No problem!

Three month stay in some European university.

English Language Summer Schools in Wales/UK

We are looking forward to welcoming students to Wales! 

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