Dr. Naji Sulaiman, the external TRIBE Lab member, received the International Doctoral Award of the Italian Botanical Society for 2024!

Our colleague Dr. Naji Sulaiman, a former key member of TRIBE lab, won the International Doctoral Award of the Italian Botanical Society for 2024. The ceremony took place during the 119th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society, held at the University of Teramo, Italy, from 11 to 13 September. The prestigious award recognizes outstanding PhD theses defended between 2022 and 2024 on topics related to General Botany, Systematic Botany, Environmental and Applied Botany, and Pharmaceutical Botany. Naji’s thesis, elaborated during his doctoral research in TRIBE Lab, focused on multiple aspects (botanical, food-related, socioeconomic, sociocultural, and sustainable) of wild plant use during the conflict in Syria, and it was successfully defended in March 2023. Naji is currently working as an assistant professor of Environmental and Applied Botany at the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italy.



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