My experience with summer school in Cambodia
My expectation about Summer School wasn’t just about getting knowledge from daily classes about how to write scientific work “step by step”, but it was more about getting to know Khmer culture. Thanks to SS I had the opportunity to really experience Khmers. Apart from classes, we had some nice program with our Cambodian mates which enable us to know them better. We went together to Oudong, we did one international dinner, we visited genocide museum killing field, marketplace and so on. Our Cambodian mates were really nice. They always wanted to help us with everything and they wanted to know about us. Czech and Khmer culture is really different, but there are some things which connect us. We are maybe more open-minded and for Cambodian, it’s harder to understand our behavior but that’s all about the dialogue which they did with us. It’s nice to see that for someone it’s not the matter, of course, to be allowed to go to university, to see mates who really appreciate that opportunity and who do their best to succeed with their research. There are so many things we can learn from each other!
Classes mostly taught by Miloslav Petrtyl were well prepared and really useful. I even didn’t imagine they will give me that much. Finally, I was regretting we didn’t have more time to try more exact things together. I would appreciate participating in this summer school before writing my bachelor thesis because after it would be so easier. However, I have Diploma thesis ahead of me, so can I use all knowledge I got there. I am really thankful for what we learned, and it would be interesting and useful for students from all faculties.
I am also happy that Monika finally lived at the same place that we Czech students did. She was connecting all of us and always made a good atmosphere! She and Milan they have really good vibes and that’s a pleasure to spend time with them.
I was doing my best to prepare my mind and body to big climate and food change in Asia. Although I like sour and spicy meals, the food in Cambodia made me sick a lot of times. I recommend to everyone not only to eat probiotics but also drink one shot of spirits every day to clean the stomach from bacterias. I regret I didn’t do that!
In developing countries, it’s always a different experience and I am really happy that we had that opportunity to experience it!