Trainings on diversifying the eating habits of Ethiopians

In recent weeks, FTA representatives Ing. Iva Kučerová, PhD and Sára Šebrlová visited the Arba Minch region in Ethiopia within the development project titled “Arba Minch Fruit Value Chain, Gamo zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia” implemented by Mendel University in Brno in cooperation with FTA, funded by the Czech Development Agency.

Three training sessions were held there, focused on new methods of food processing and on diversification of local people's eating habits. During the training sessions, for example, elevenses, juices, compotes or chutneys were prepared with the members of cooperatives, and in the theoretical part, all important information regarding hygiene and proper post-harvest handling conditions was focused on. The importance of a diversified diet was also demonstrated to the children, for example through a game called Pexeso, thus combining the pleasant with the useful information.


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