Cashews farming in Kenya

Our students (Veronika Kristufova and Winnifred Okpo) are collecting data for their thesis. Here are their greetings from Kenya:

"Jambo! We are sending our greetings from Kenya, where where we have traveled to do data collection for our thesis! We are cooperating with Ten Senses of Africa, an organization with a big plans: helping rural farmers of the coastal region revive the cashew farming industry, providing help with everything needed from seedlings to trainings and helping farmers launch onto the international market, all this using fairtrade prices and ethical business. As a part of this, the local farmers are forming cooperatives, coming together and taking ownership of the renewing cashew industry in their region. It is exciting to be here and witness the beginings of such an interesting project! As a part of our stay, we have not only visited rural farmers, talked to representatives of each step, but also had the opportunity to travel to Nairobi, where we saw how a nut processing factory works. It is truly amazing to see the journey of the cashew to the consumers and how many people are behind it!"

More, You can see in the gallery. 

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