International Credit Mobility: cooperation between Czech Republic and Cambodia

In Cambodia, the key partner is the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA). The Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), especially through the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTA), has long-term cooperation with RUA.

The details about RUA are available here: Royal University of Agriculture - Wikipedia

Mobilities offered:

  • 1 mobility for staff from CZU to RUA, 10 days (STA – teaching)
  • 1 mobility for staff from RUA to CZU, 10 days (STA – teaching)
  • 1 mobility for PhD student from CZU to RUA, 2 months (SMS – studies)
  • 1 mobility for Bc/MCs student from RUA to CZU, 5 months (SMS – studies)

The teaching staff mobilities will be oriented to main priorities, which are preferred by all project partners, such as teaching activities and support of internationalisation. The priority research topics are related to food consumption, consumer behaviour of local food products and underutilized (neglected) crops.

Doctoral student of CZU will take part in a 2-month mobility at RUA to gain personal experience with tropical areas where he/she will collect data needed to process his/her doctoral thesis.

RUA mainly offers Bachelor's degree study programmes and newly established Master's study programme, priority will be given to mobilities at the Master degree. Cambodian student will study for 1 semester (5 months) at CZU and will have a unique opportunity to study at the European University oriented to development in agriculture and gain experience in a different multicultural environment. The student will select 5 subjects according to his/her study and have to fulfil 30 ECTS during his/her stay at CZU.

Available scholarships:

Subsistence costs (flat rate):

  • Incoming students to the CR: 800 EUR / month
  • Outgoing students from the CR: 700 EUR / month
  • Incoming staff to the CR: 140 EUR / day

Travel costs:

In addition to the subsistence costs, a transport allowance is added, which is graded according to the distance between the domestic institution and the place of stay abroad. It is paid once for whole mobility (for travel to and back). It will be approx. 1,500 EUR.

Selection of candidates:

Call for candidates is open. Please contact the coordinators.

Applicants will go through an interview with the project coordinators and responsible persons from the study programs where the applicants want to conduct their training or teaching activity. Candidates will be selected according to their:

  • Theoretical and practical knowledge on the priority topics of the project
  • Previous studies and research topics related to the priority topics of the project
  • Scientific excellence, in case if PhD students and staff
  • English level

Announcements for candidates will be done periodically through the webpages and social media of FTA and RUA.

Contact person:

CZU Project Coordinator, Ing. Petra Chaloupková, Ph.D. d–

CZU International Relations Office –


Staff mobility from CZU to RUA (July 2023)

Marketa Houdkova spent 10 days on a staff mobility at Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Phnom Penh. During this time, she provided several lectures and seminars for staff and students which were focused on extraction of essential oils and evaluation of their antibacterial activity with aim to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of plant-derived volatile antimicrobial agents and their applications in vapor phase. Also she went to the field trips to observe the Cambodian plant sources in the forest and local markets where she collected some samples of aromatic plants which will be subsequently tested for their biological properties in collaboration with colleagues from RUA.

Staff mobility from RUA to CZU 

Dr. Samnang Nguon of Royal University of Agriculture (RUA) in Cambodia participated in a 10-day Staff Mobility for Training at Laboratory of Ethonobotany and Ethonopharmacolgoy (LEE) led by Prof. Ing. Ladislav Kokoška of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (FTZ) at CZU Prague. During the mobility, he familiarized himself with the team’s expertise, laboratory facilities, and experimental design for antimicrobial susceptibility testing and GC-MS analysis. He received specialized training on the vapored-phase antibacterial activities of essential oils from tropical plant extracts and engaged in discussions about the analysis and interpretation of GC-MS results. Additionally, he assisted a Master’s student with research on antimicrobial susceptibility testing of essential oils in vapor phase, collaborated with researchers and PhD students at the laboratory, participated in departmental defense for a PhD dissertation, and discussed potential future collaborations with faculty members and researchers.

My name is Samoeun Dana. I'm a master's candidate at the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia. I've been selected to take part in the five-month Erasmus mobility program in the Faculty of Tropical Agrosciences (FTA), Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU). On the other hand, since enrolling in the program, I have come across pupils from various cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, I enhanced my English language ability and networking opportunities with students and professors. Through this program, I was able to grow personally and gain independence of living in Prague and studying in FTA. The courses I chose have increased my knowledge and introduced me to a range of learning methods that are more efficient. In addition, this gives me the chance to travel to new locations in Prague's historic buildings and rich cultural district and create lifetime memories. Finally, but just as importantly, I want to express my gratitude to the Erasmus program, the project coordinator, the professors, and the staff for giving me this chance to build my capacity.


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