On April 28, 2023, FTA together with the Czech Evaluation Society organized a competition for students of bachelor's and master's programs in relevant fields related to the project cycle and evaluation.
The students of the ICARD study program visited the office of People in Need (Člověk v tísni) in Prague, the largest development and humanitarian NGO in central Europe. The field trip was organized within the course Non-Governmental Organizations in International Development
Oceněný snímek Ve stínu kakaovníku režiséra Stanislava Komínka z mezinárodního filmového festivalu AGROFILM, který měl 27.1. premiéru na ČT poukazuje na životní podmínky pěstitelů, nedostatek dělníků pro sklizeň či problém d?ětské práce či kácení deštných pralesů. Zároveň ukazuje dopady certifikace Fairtrade na jejich podnikání a jak lze zlepšit situaci pomocí družstev a získání certifikace FAIRTRADE.
The mood of impoverished farmers in an election period can tremendously affect or spoil data collection activities. The situation becomes more complex in view of the covid-19 pandemic which greatly limits interactions among the farmers and the researchers.
The focus of cooperative research has taken a new dimension. The focus now is on how cooperatives contribute to the other dimensions of sustainability (environmental and social).
V rámci Světového dne sociální spravedlnosti byl proděkan naší fakulty Jiří Hejkrlík pozván do studia Radio Proglas. Poslechněte si jeho rozhovor zde.
On the 25th August 2019, the students under cooperative research group with support from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences visited Zambia. The visit aimed at cooperative research data collection on social and economic aspects of members commitment to agricultural marketing cooperatives in the Western part of Zambia.
On 8th of January 2018, the group of Master’s students from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences accompanied by Jiří Hejkrlík visited the Cooperative Association of the Czech Republic in Prague.
With the main objective of analysing the Economic and Social Performance of Newly Created Farmers’ Groups in the European Union’s Eastern Partnership, a team of five members from the Czech University of Life Sciences
Student's field research called "Agri-Cooperatives and Institutions for Rural Development" is still ongoing in Sumy, Ukraine.
During the summer semester, students of BSc. study program ICARD visited the headquarter of international development NGO ADRA in Prague.
Three days field excursion and excursion to arboretum Truba in the Southern Moravia
For the third year FTA offers the course “Block of Experts”, which introduces practitioners of Czech development cooperation.
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