This year the FTA course “Block of experts” for students of bachelor's degree programs was opened again

For the third year FTA offers the course “Block of Experts”, which introduces practitioners of Czech development cooperation. The course usually contains six meetings with various representatives of the fields associated with the practice of the Czech ODA projects - activities of Czech non-governmental organizations, activities of companies in developing countries, or public sector.

This year the course participants meet with:

  1. Romana Vašíčková (Garguláková) - Caritas Czech Republic, Head of the development section for Africa
  2. Jana Škubalová – The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, ADRA project coordinator in Ukraine
  3. Lenka Černínová - Graduate of FTA - Ecumenical Academy Prague, Project Manager for Fair Trade towns and responsible purchases
  4. Kateřina Maierová - Graduate of FTA - People in Need, Support desk officer for the mission in Ukraine and procurement officer for the mission in Georgia
  5. Lenka Pešková - Graduate of FTA - ADRA Czech Republic, coordinator of foreign projects

Personal profiles of experts from the year 2015/2016 is available for download below (in Czech).

Admission to the meeting is always open to all students of the faculty.

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