The Tropical Biotechnology Research Group is focused on plant breeding, in vitro clonal propagation, and conservation of plant genetic resources using plant tissue culture techniques, especially in vitro polyploidization, induction of somaclonal variation, micropropagation, slow-growth technique, microtuberization, and application of flow cytometry in biotechnological experiments (e.g. as a part of induced polyploidization, plant species resynthesis). Our research is primarily targeted at neglected and underutilized plants of tropical and subtropical regions.
Team leaders:
Main researchers:
Ing. Ingrid Melnikovová, Ph.D.
Stacy Hammond Hammond
PhD students:
Yamen Shmait
Pavla Bryxová
Rohit Bharati
Moses Okao
Roberto Quevedo Sopepi
Pavla Zahumenická
Ondřej Zelba
Lucie Dostalíková
Uche Cyprian Okafor
Aculey Kevin, Martin Smetana, Robert Masáre, Kateřina Beranová, Zuzana Rázková, Jakub Vítek, Lukáš Janda, Tadeáš Sochr, Tomáš Šindelář, Olivie Lenka Laštovičková
- Hammond S.D.H., Viehmannova I., Zamecnik J., Panis B., Faltus M., 2021. Droplet-vitrification methods for apical bud cryopreservation of yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. and Endl.) H. Rob.]. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. DOI10.1007/s11240-021-02116-0 (Early Access)
- Cepkova P.H., Jagr M., Janovska D., Dvoracek V., Kozak A.K., Viehmannova I., 2021. Comprehensive mass spectrometric analysis of snake fruit: salak (Salacca zalacca). Journal of Food Quality, Art No 6621811
- Ulvrova T., Vitamvas J., Cepkova P.H., Eliasova K., Janovska D., Bazant V., Viehmannova I., 2021. Micropropagation of an ornamental shrub Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim. and assessment of genetic fidelity using ISSR and flow cytometry. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 144:555-566
- Abeyawardana O.A.J., Viehmannova I., Koudela M., 2021. The effect of trifluralin on post-in vitro morphogenesis of five genotypes of head cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata). Journal of Horticultural Research 29:47-54
- Shmeit Y.H., Fernandez E., Novy P., Kloucek P., Orosz M., Kokoska L., 2020. Autopolyploidy effect on morphological variation and essential oil content in Thymus vulgaris L. Scientia Horticulturae 263. Article Number: 109095.
- Vitamvas J., Kunes I., Viehmannova I., Linda R., Balas M., 2020. Conservation of Betula oycoviensis, an endangered rare taxon, using vegetative propagation methods. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 13:107-113
- Montero-Torres J., Zamieskova L., Pozzo T., Fernandez C.E., Romero-Ortega S., Bezakova J., Ziarovska J., 2020. Genomic fingerprints of Arachis hypogaea L. natural germplasm as revealed by iPBS markers. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Sciences 9(5): 955-959
- Hammond S.D.H., Viehmannova I., Zamecnik J., Panis B., Cepkova P.H., 2019. Efficient slow-growth conservation and assessment of clonal fidelity of Ullucus tuberosus Caldas microshoots. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 138:559-570
- Ziarovska J., Padilla-Gonzalez G.F., Viehmannova I., Fernandez E., 2019. Genetic and chemical diversity among yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. et Endl.) H. Robinson] accessions based on iPBS markers and metabolomic fingerprinting. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 141:183-192
- Hovorka T., Viehmannová I., Vítámvás J., Hlásná-Čepková P., Fernandez-Cusimamani E., 2019. Micropropagation of Incarvillea delavayi Bureau et Franchet (Bignoniaceae). Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 67(6):1453-1456.
- Vitamvas J., Viehmannova I., Cepkova P.H., Mrhalova H., Eliasova K., 2019. Assessment of somaclonal variation in indirect morphogenesis-derived plants of Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira 54:UNSP e00301
- Sediva J., Mrazkova M., Zahumenicka P., Fernandez-Cusimamani E., Zahradník D., 2019. Identification of Phytophthora tolerance in the Anemone sylvestris tetraploid. Scienta Horticulturae 256. Article Number: 108579
- Ruiz-Chután J.A., Salava J., Janovská D., Žiarovská J., Kalousová M., Fernandez E., 2019. Assessment of genetic diversity in Sorghum bicolor using RAPD markers. GENETIKA 51(3): 789-803.
- Zahumenicka P., Fernandez E., Sediva J., Ziarovska J., Ros-Santella J.L., Martinez-Fernandez D., Russo D., Milella L., 2018. Morphological, physiological and genomic comparisons between diploids and induced tetraploids in Anemone sylvestris L. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 132:317-327
- Viehmannova I., Cepkova P.H., Vitamvas J., Streblova P., Kisilova J., 2016. Micropropagation of a giant bromeliad Puya berteroniana through adventitious shoots and assessment of their genetic stability through ISSR primers and flow cytometry. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 125:293-302
- Cepkova P.H., Vitamvas J., Viehmannova I., Kisilova J., Fernandez E., Milella L., 2015: Simplified in vitro propagation protocol for Tacca leontopetaloides (L.) Kuntze and assessment of genetic uniformity of regenerated plantlets. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 27:736-743
- Hilgert-Delgado A., Klima M., Viehmannova I., Urban M.O., Fernandez E.C., Vyvadilova M., 2015. Efficient resynthesis of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) from crosses of winter types B. rapa x B. oleracea via simple ovule culture and early hybrid verification. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 120:191-201
- Rejthar J., Viehmannová I., Cepkova P.H., Fernández E., Milella L., 2014. In vitro propagation of Drosera intermedia as influenced by cytokinins, pH, sucrose, and nutrient concentration. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (EJFA) 26:558-564
- Viehmannova I., Bortlova Z., Vitamvas J., Cepkova P.H., Eliasova K., Svobodova E., Travnickova M., 2014. Assessment of somaclonal variation in somatic embryo-derived plants of yacon [Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. and Endl.) H. Robinson] using inter simple sequence repeat analysis and flow cytometry. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 17:102-106
- Zahumenicka P., Sysova B., Holik A., Fernandez C.E., 2013. In vitro induced mitotic polyploidy in Drosera capensis L. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 46:107-110
- Skalova I., Viehmannova I., Vitamvas J., 2012. In vitro conservation of Smallanthus sonchifolius under slow-growth conditions. Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 45:147-150.
- Viehmannova I., Travnickova M., Spatenkova E., Cerna M., Travnicek P., 2012. Induced polyploidization and its influence on yield, morphological, and qualitative characteristics of microtubers in Ullucus tuberosus. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 109:83-90
- Zamecnikova J., Fernandez E., Viehmannova I., Zamecnik J., Faltus M., 2011. Preparation of shoot tips by sucrose and Dehydration Pre-Treatment of Ullucus tuberosus Cal. for Cryopreservation. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 908:331-338
- Slíva S., Viehmannová I., Vítámvás J., 2010. Micropropagation and morphogenesis of arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft). Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica 43:50-55
- Viehmannová I., Fernández C.E., Bechyne M., Vyvadilová M., Greplová M., 2009. In vitro induction of polyploidy in yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 97:21-25.
- Physiology and Cryobiology of Plants, Crop Research Institute, Czech Rep.
- Gene Bank, Crop Research Institute, Czech Rep.
- Plant Stress Biology and Biotechnology, Crop Research Institute, Czech Rep.
- The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening Průhonice, Czech Rep.
- Institute of Botany, Laboratory of Flow Cytometry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Rep.
- Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Rep.
- Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Rep.
- Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland
- Peruvian Amazon Research Institute, Peru
- Bioversity International, Belgium
- In vitro induced polyploidy in Thymus camphoratus Hoffmanns. & Link. (IGA 20213105)
- On the way to eternity: A multifaceted analysis of the effect of nanoparticles on the properties of cryopreserved plant material. National Science Centre, Poland (Sonata 16, 2020/39/D/NZ9/01592)
- Biotechnological, molecular, and proteomic methods as a tool for crop breeding (IGA 20213114)
- Biotechnologické, proteomické a molekulární postupy jako nástroj ve šlechtění plodin (IGA 20205006)
- In vitro induced polyploidy in Celosia argenta L. (IGA 20205004)
- Biotechnologické postupy jako nástroj ve šlechtění rostlin a uchování genetických zdrojů (IGA 20195002)
- Induced mitotic polyploidy in vitro in Senecio clivicolus Wedd. (IGA 20195001)
- Aplikace biotechnologických a proteomických postupů u vybraných plodin (IGA 20185015)
- Šlechtění tymiánu obecného (Thymus vulgaris L.) pomocí mitotické polyploidizace in vitro –(IGA 20185012)
- Podpora výuky a vědecko-výzkumné činnosti v oblasti biotechnologií, zemědělské produkce a poradenství na Hawasa University, Etiopie (spoluřešitel) (ČRA 281761/2017)
- Aplikace rostlinných explantátů v množení a šlechtění rostlin; molekulární a proteomické analýzy u vybraných plodin (IGA 20175015)
- Mikropropagace a mitotická polyploidie in vitro u sasanky lesní (Anemone sylvestris L.) (IGA 20165007)
- Mikropropagace a tvorba nových genotypů v in vitro podmínkách; proteomické a molekulární analýzy u vybraných rostlinných druhů (IGA 20165014)
- DNA fingerprinting – nástroj k porozumění genetické diverzity méně známých rostlinných druhů, rostlinných populací a jejich vzájemných vztahů; tvorba in vitro regenerantů a ověření jejich genetické stability/variability pro budoucí využití ve šlechtění (IGA 20145020)
- Vinca minor jako klíč k poznání minulosti středoevropské krajiny (spoluřešitelé) (CIGA 20144207)
- Inovace vybavení laboratoří pro výuku aplikovaných rostlinných biotechnologií (FRVŠ 1397/2013)
- Kalusové a suspenzní kultury kaktusu Trichocereus pachanoi (Cactaceae): potenciální zdroj pro získávání fenylethylaminových alkaloidů (CIGA 20135009)
- Stanovení genetické diverzity populací druhu Plukenetia volubilis L. za využití molekulárních markerů a stanovení obsahu a polymorfismu zásobních proteinů v semenech (CIGA 20135004)
- Využití in vitro technologií ke zvýšení okrasného a produkčního potenciálu vybraných méně známých druhů rostlin (CIGA 20135002)
- Somaklonální variabilita u Smallanthus sonchifolius, Arracacia xanthorrhiza a Solanum sessiliflorum: porovnání genotypického, molekulárního a cytogenetického hodnocení (CIGA 20115002)