Support of Teaching Innovation, Research Development and Inter-University Cooperation of SAUM and TSU (Moldova)

Target Country: Republic of Moldova

Project Coordinator: Tatiana Alexiou Ivanova

Project Team: Věra Potopová, Nina Muntean, Jitka Kumhálová, Olga Leuner, Vladimír Krepl, Jiří Hejkrlík, Iulia Corman, Tudor Castravet

Partners: State Agrarian University of Moldova (SAUM), Tiraspol State University (TSU)

Donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Duration of the Project: 2021-2022

The innovation of specialized education, the development of scientific research activities, and the strengthening of inter-university cooperation between SAUM and TSU through implemented activities and realized outputs are the main goals of the project. The primary target group of the project and the recipient of the results are the partner universities, their teaching staff, management, researchers, and students. 

The project outputs were achieved by providing specialized training for teachers and students of partner universities in the field of GIS applications and the use of Moodle, MS Teams, and other electronic tools for both in-person and distance learning, introducing an innovative course on climate change, equipping two modern facilities for teaching and creative activities, transferring Czech know-how in higher education management, internships for representatives of SAUM and TSU in the Czech Republic, collaboration in scientific and publishing activities, organizing an International Student Scientific Conference and a Day of Promotion for SAUM and TSU, as well as raising awareness about the scholarship program. Emphasis was also placed on the modernization of technical equipment at SAUM and TSU to improve and enhance both teaching quality and research progress. The project contributed to strengthening the cooperation between SAUM-TSU-ČZU in research and publishing activities and promoting Moldovan universities at national and international levels.
The government resolution on the reorganization of a number of institutions in the field of education and science through mergers affected both partner universities; SAUM was subsequently merged/acquired by the Technical University of Moldova, and TSU was merged with the "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University of Chisinau. This change did not affect the implementation of activities or hinder the project's completion; rather, it supported it. Project coordinators monitored the situation's development, communicated regularly, and flexibly adapted activities to ensure their successful implementation and effective impact.

Contact: Tatiana Alexiou Ivanova
Check out the full version of outputs of project visibility and photo documentation of each project Activity on the Czech language version webpage HERE.

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