Survey Design Book

The new book “Survey Design,” edited by Associate Professor Miroslava Bavorova, is intended to provide masters and doctoral students, as well as academic staff, with basic principles for designing and conducting quantitative questionnaire surveys. It enables readers to follow chronologically, in seven chapters, the whole cycle of survey design including the ethics of scientific research, research planning, literature review and design theoretical and conceptual frameworks for a study. Further, the operationalization of the conceptual framework and the design of a questionnaire are described, as well as sampling strategies, data collection methods and tools, and data entry and cleaning.

Here you can preview parts of the book, including the table of contents, the foreword by FTA Dean Prof. Patrick Van Damme, and the Preface by the book editor, Assoc. Prof. Miroslava Bavorova. (Please see the images below)

For possibilities to obtain the book contact Marie Straková ( or Miroslava Bavorová (

Perspectives of Quantitative Research Design

In a recent webinar, Associate prof. Miroslava Bavorova presented the steps to effectively design and conduct quantitative research in socio-economic studies in front of academics and students from the University of Mostar and Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar.

The presentation was based on the “Survey design” book written by Assoc. prof. Bavorova and researchers from FTA’s Behavioral Studies in Agri-Food Sector research group.

You can watch the replay of the webinar on our faculty YouTube channel or below.

This collaboration comes with the support of the Czech Development Agency.


For further information, please contact Ms. Barbora Kulikova at:

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