New Double degree study programme at FTA

The Double degree Master study programme “Agricultural Sciences and Farming Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics” is the first Double degree (DD) programme offered by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences. It is the unique opportunity for students to simultaneously receive two Master degrees in the area of „Agricultural Sciences and Farming Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics“ in only 2 years and thus enhance their position in the European and Czech labour market. The main objective of the DD programme is to enable students to profit from the different background of teaching and research of the partner universities in the area of tropical agriculture. In addition to the existing single degree programme “Tropical Farming Systems”, the double degree shall offer an additional benefit for the students by an increased selection of modules offered on tropical agriculture, the acquirement of soft skills in different teaching environments as well as cultural backgrounds and performing scientific work under the supervision of two academics from two different universities. Students will benefit from the elective modules at the host university that are more focused on environment, resource efficiency, aspects of developing countries and interdisciplinary work.

  • Home university: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
  • Host university: Universität Hohenheim (UHOH), Germany
  • Length of study: 2 years

The first year at the home university, the following year at the host university in Germany.

  • Language of instruction: English

The studies are terminated by State exam and defence of the Master´s thesis which will be supervised by the supervisors of both universities jointly.

More information HERE.

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