Dean´s award 2022 is going to the Biogas Research Team!

Group leader of BRT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík has been selected and rewarded by the Dean Prof. Patrick Van Damme and the members of Dean´s College for his contribution, both scientific and in terms of popularization of science.

The following statement was mentioned during hand over:

“The Biogas Research Team has been dealing with the issue of utilization of organic waste for a long time, especially transformation into biogas and energy.

A collection of scientific and popularizing articles is proof of that.

This long-term focus of the scientific team presents new findings in the field and has practical implications in many countries (especially in the developing world).”
Dean Prof. Patrick Van Damme.

You can read more about Biogas Research Team here.

And about the Group leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík here.

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