The virtual edition of Plant Science for Climate Emergency is taking place on 7-8 June 2021. This conference is organized by VIB, a non-profit life sciences research institute in Belgium and a world leader for advanced plant sciences. 

#PlantResearch21 will offer junior researchers the opportunity to present their work during digital poster sessions.  Poster presenters can host their online poster booth and chat with attendees. Peers can join by video and audio to discuss. Besides the poster sessions there are 4 short talk slots available & the best 2 poster presenters will be awarded with a Poster Prize! 

You can submit your research to one of the four following topics:

  • Salt tolerance;
  • Drought tolerance;
  • Tolerance to high temperature;
  • Effect of climate change (high temperature) on defense systems against insects/pathogens;
  • Flooding tolerance;
  • Nitrogen use efficiency
  • Crop engineering and improvement
  • Carbon capturing plants
  • Emerging areas in plant science

The abstract submission deadline is Monday 5 April 2021.

More information can be found HERE.

Satellite on 9 June: “Applied Climate Research in Africa”

Africa is highly exposed and vulnerable to climate variability and change impacts. Climate change hits the most vulnerable smallholder farmers hardest and contributes to food insecurity, deprived soils and stress on water resources. The session “Applied Climate Research in Africa” will showcase and discuss how science can translate into improved farming systems and crops that are more climate-resilient and ultimately lead to a more sustainable and intensified agriculture and better food security. More info

You can join the satellite event for free if registered for the conference.

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