Pozvánka na obhajobu dizertační práce Kateřiny Vihanové

Srdečně Vás zveme na obhajobu dizertační práce Ing. Kateřiny Vihanové na téma “ Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils and supercritical carbon dioxide extracts of Asian spices against food pathogens in liquid and vapour phase” (Katedra tropických plodin a agrolesnictví, Tropical Agrobiology and Bioresource Management). Obhajoba práce proběhne dne: 31.5.2024 od 10 hod ve školící místnosti č. 403 (budova FTZ).

Foodborne microbial diseases present a significant public health concern necessitating the preservation of food products to extend their shelf life and ensure safety. An emerging method of food preservation involves the antimicrobial modified atmosphere packaging. Spices and condiments containing volatile oils hold promise for such applications. In this study, the in vitro growth-inhibitory activity of essential oils (EOs) and supercritical carbon dioxide extracts (CO2 extracts) obtained from spices originating from Asia was assayed using broth microdilution volatilisation method against bacterial food pathogens. Subsequently, chemical profiles of most potent samples were examined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) apparatus. The findings of the study suggest that EOs and CO2 extracts derived from Cinnamomum spp. hold promise as natural food preservatives in the food industry. In addition, the results of experiments with Cambodian species suggest the potential application of supercritical CO2 for their extraction in spice-processing practice.

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