Call for Application - Knowledge Brokerage Programme for Early to Mid Career Researchers

Call headlines. The SSH CENTRE project is funding 30 PhD and Early to Mid Career Researchers working in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to participate in an SSH knowledge brokerage initiative for policymaking on themes of climate, energy, and mobility. Each participant will receive €2,000 as an honorarium to participate in the entire programme (July 2023 to July 2024)

Eligibility. The Call is open to SSH researchers who have not previously been principal investigators on a grant of over €100,000. 

Activities. Participants will receive online training on knowledge brokerage for policy work. They will be organised into 6 groups and develop and undertake an online knowledge brokerage initiative to support 6 European partner cities to pursue their respective decarbonisation aims through identifying, organising and transferring relevant SSH knowledge. Each research team will meet with city representatives (online, and then in person during a city workshop) to help develop their knowledge brokerage initiative.

Application deadline. Monday 3 July at 11:59 (CEST).


Contacts. For any queries, please contact Luciano d'Andrea (, or Daniele Mezzana (, or Fabio Feudo (

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