Invited lecture by Dr Tetiana Grabovska: “Waste of War” Thursday 16th, 10-12:00 in room 313

PhD Tetiana Grabovska is an Associate Professor at Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University (Ukraine). She is a teacher of Ecology of living organisms, Biology, Techno-ecology. She was a head or a participant of several European project (Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland), winner (Gold) in the category "Research" of Global Chemical Leasing Award 2018, Vienna (Austria). She made an internship and mobility in Germany, Czech Republic, Slovenia and France. Mrs Grabovska has some fundamental and practical scientific research works about environment investigation and living organisms (e.g. she participated in Horizon’s projects “SAFEGUARD”, “SHOWCASE”). She worked with methods of landscape-ecosystem studies, ecosystem services, SDGs analysing, ecological policy and urban pollution.

“Waste of War”

The ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war is the most powerful and largest conflict in Europe since World War II. Since the beginning of the war, significant damage has been caused to the infrastructure of settlements, the agro-industrial complex, the state of the natural environment of Ukraine, etc. Natural objects suffer from explosions, fires, atypical emissions, loads, changing landscapes. The situation with waste in Ukraine was difficult even before the war, as a large volume of waste was not only in landfills but also in unauthorized areas. The problem remains in sorting and processing. This presentation shows the state of environment in Ukraine and problems of waste during the war time.

The main presentation for the wider audience will be on Thursday 16th of February 10-12:00 in room 313.

The invited lecture was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission

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