Invitation to the defence of Yamen Shmeit

We are pleased to invite you to attend the dissertation thesis defence of Ing. Yamen Homaidan Shmeit on “Induced polyploidy in species from the Lamiaceae family: Thymus vulgaris L. and Satureja montana L.” (Department of Crop Science and Agroforestry, Tropical Agrobiology and Bioresource Management). Thesis defence will take place on 19.12.2023, Meeting Room 315 FTA.

The aim of the study was to obtain polyploid Thymus vulgaris L. and Satureja montana L. plants using in vitro induced somatic polyploidization. We obtained new genotypes (autotetraploid plants) with enhanced morphological features and biochemical profiles. Several essential oil components of the new T. vulgaris L. genotype increased including thymol and carvacrol by 20.79 % and 0.98 %, respectively. Newly obtained genotypes have a great potential to be used in the pharmaceutical and food industry, as well as biosphere-friendly and biodegradable substances for plant protection in agriculture. Further biochemical, anatomical and physiological analyses performed in this study are valuable results for plant biotechnology research.


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