iPBL-EU project evaluation of the project has started

At the end of summer semester, evaluation of the projects, within the subject area of Plant Health and Plant Breeding started. The evaluation took place in different courses at our partners universities. Project final presentations were held face to face on 15th March at Swedish Agriculture University (SLU) and on 11th April at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) with evaluators attending remotely.

Four groups of students within the “Plant Biology for Breeding and Protection” at SLU presented their results, followed by discussion. Same approach was taken at the course of Plant Protection and Agroecology at CZU, where group of four students competed with their project results as well. Students also had a task to submit their result in the form of report. Three evaluators representing each of the partner institution (BOKU, CZU and SLU) then asses the performance during the presentation and the written report. Evaluation is done by the unified evaluation sheet developed within the course of “Project monitoring and evaluation” at CZU.

Within next weeks last presentations will take place within the course “In situ treatment of Polluted Soils and Sediments: Phytoremediation, in situ fixation and attenuation techniques” (BOKU). Followed by the presentation from the Summer school with topic Plant Protection Biology: improving plant health under climate change and other stresses (8th – 19th August) at SLU. After finalising the presentations the winners from each institution will be announced and invited to the ELLS conference for final presentation with the teams from other Universities.

You can read more information about ELLS conference at CZU in Prague here.  


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