Green plate forum

The Green plate forum was a sustainable international cooking event organized on 20th June, which is World Refugee Day, in the Tüwi student Restaurant, BOKU, Vienna. It was a student-led initiative that was a part of the activities of the project Circular Case Studies: Food Systems Transformation through Transdisciplinarity and Cooperation (2CS). Students of the course Applied Development Research II (BOKU Vienna, course led by Prof. Andreas Melcher) presented posters and presentations on five country case studies (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Cambodia, Colombia, Ethiopia, and Peru) accompanied by a topic of refugees that came to Austria from various countries of the world: Flavours from afar: refugee cuisine in Austria. 

Students were supposed to compile a degustation menu composed of one dish per country, prepare the recipe, focus on the sustainability of the production of the selected dish, and discuss the aspects of sustainable consumption with the audience. This is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals, above all, Goal Nr. 2 Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. 

The attendees of the event were international students of the course Applied Development Research, academic staff of BOKU and CZU (Petra Chaloupková and Olga Leuner) and guests, such as the head of BOKU-International Relations or the representative of the Mongolian Embassy in Austria. 

The menu: 

Starter: sirilik salad (Bosnia and Hercegovina) 

Main course 1: ceviche (Peru)

Main course 2: beyaynetu (injera) (Ethiopia) 

Desert:  sticky rice with mango (Cambodia)

Coffee: sustainable coffee (Colombia)

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