Exploration of Academic–Industrial Links / Best Practices in Teaching Innovation

We would like to invite you to our first online staff week on:

Exploration of Academic–Industrial Links / Best Practices in Teaching Innovation

From May 18th to 20th 2021


Please find attached a provisional programme.

In addition to e-roundtables on the subjects cited above --enabling participants to share experiences and best practices-- we will also offer online cultural events, and individual meetings with the 4 IPL higher education institutions.

Further information and registration link are available on the event website.

Please register HERE.

*Lyon Polytechnic Institute is a consortium of 4 higher education institutions, grouping CPE Lyon (Chemistry & Chemical engineering, Digital sciences & smart systems), ECAM (Mechanical & Electrical Engineering), Isara (Agronomy, Food & Environmental Sciences) and ITECH (Polymers, Materials and Leather) offering a wide-range of Master’s degree programmes, applied research and consultancy.

We look forward to your participation and do not hesitate to forward this invitation to colleagues who might be interested in the subject.

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