Erasmus+ Coffee at the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

On Tuesday 31st May, the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences (IRO FTA) organized an event called “Erasmus+ ICM Coffee” to join and meet all students, who are currently studying / doing an internship at the FTA under the Erasmus+ programme, within the project of the International Credit Mobility (ICM).  

Students – representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Syria and Ukraine – were sharing information about their countries, their home universities as well us about their studies and experiences gained during the mobility. There was also one presentation from FTA student, who is currently doing his internship in Vietnam, in Hue. 

The purpose of the event was not only to meet students from abroad, but to offer FTA students unique opportunity to make new contacts in these countries, and to apply for the ICM for the winter semester 22/23. The event was also organized to increase the visibility of the programme and to disseminate the Erasmus+ programme opportunities. 

You can find more information about the Erasmus+ ICM projects here.

More information about the current call for application with a deadline on 3rd June is available here.

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