Cristina Conea presented at the ELLS conference via poster her presentation of the research “What factors influence better market access among collective action of small farmers in Moldova?” ELLS Scientific Student Conference is a conference which each year gathers scientists where they present their work, broaden their knowledge about a certain topics and exchange ideas. It is mainly a student conference, meaning that only young scientist will present their works. The conference was held in Wageningen University, Netherlands and was organized by The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS). The main theme of the conference for the year 2018 was “Life Sciences: looking across disciplines”, compromising also five subthemes: Biobased Solutions; From Field to Fork; Global One Health; Humans & Nature and Metropolitan Solutions. The target audience at conference was predominantly BSc, MSc and first year PhD students of universities affiliated to the ELLS network, such: BOKU Austria, CAU China, CZU Czech Republic, HUJI Israel, LU New Zealand, SCIENCE Denmark, SLU Sweden, UHOH Germany, WULS SGGW Poland and WUR The Netherlands. In the end of the conference there were also presented awards for the best poster and oral presentation.