New paper published! Phosphogypsum Recycling: A Review of Environmental Issues, Current Trends, and Prospects

In this paper, we analysed the directions of phosphogypsum recycling and possible alternatives to its use.


Phosphogypsum is an almost unused by-product of phosphate fertilizer production, which includes several valuable components—calcium sulphates and rare-earth elements such as silicon, iron, titanium, magnesium, aluminium, and manganese, as well as toxic elements such as heavy metals and others. Open storage of phosphogypsum in waste dumps is common. Phosphogypsum dumps are located in open areas in close proximity to the enterprise, natural complexes, and even settlements, and occupy vast territories. Transportation of phosphogypsum and storage in dumps entails investment and operating costs.

That is why we had to have a deeper look into it and provide a review paper, clearly presenting all the environmental issues, current trends and prospects of phosphogypsum.

The main disadvantages of the existing methods of phosphogypsum processing were identified and trends in this waste management were also considered. Through the VOSviewer programme, a visualization of cluster interconnections was carried out in research publications of various fields of phosphogypsum utilization, and Five clusters were formed.

Under the proposed integrated biochemical approach, the use of various bioprocesses of phosphogypsum recovery from waste dumps and implementation of new biotechnological solutions for processing phosphorus raw materials are presented.

You can read more about it HERE.

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