Congratulations to Ing. Haya Suleiman and Bc. Nikola Kadeřábková, who succesfully defended their thesis!

Haya was master student at the Biogas Research Team with her research focused on “Waste management pract\ices in Jordan (Al Ghoor region) and potential for implementation of biogas technology”.

Haya defended her thesis on 1.6.2021. Her topic was aiming to provide an understanding about the waste management practices among rural farmers and their attitude towards implementing biogas technology at AlGhoor region.

Thanks goes also to Associate professor Raed Jafar from Latakia University (Syria), who was reviewer and opponent of this thesis.

Nikola was bachelor student at the Biogas Research Team with her research focused on “Biogas as a potential renewable energy source: Case of Bhutan”.

Nikola defended her thesis on 25.5.2021. Her topic was aiming on revealing the current situation in Bhutan regarding the status of energy consumption, regarding the status of biogas technology and subsequently analyse biogas as a potential renewable energy source with its potential benefits and drawbacks. As well as examining the relevance of biogas as a source of energy and to find gaps in the energy production where biogas might serve as a substitution or complement to other sources already used or to fill the gap where no energy is produced.

Thanks goes also to Professor Tshewang Lhendup from Royal University of Bhutan (Bhutan), who was reviewer and opponent of this thesis.

Congratulations to both of you!


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