10th Forum of Ecological Engineering

Dear colleagues, let me happily invite you to the the International Scientific Conference entitled: 10th Forum of Ecological Engineering 

which will take place in Kazimierz Dolny (a small town in central eastern Poland) from 9th to 11th of September 2019.

Please, read further information HERE.

Registration fee for the first-minute payments is 400 EUR (DDL 31.3.2019) and includes: 

*Participation in sessions, conference materials, proceedings, technical or sightseeing trip
*Accommodation in a hotel, WI-FI access, parking
*All meals and social events
*Publishing the paper in the Journal of Ecological Engineering (open-access SJR and ESCI indexed journal, where I am also appointed as an editorial board member).
I will be very happy to see you at the conference in Poland. If you would be interested in some additional information or if you would need any kind of help, do not hesitate to ask. 
Best regards,
Hynek Roubík

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