Our colleague and friend Naji Sulaiman has been a key internal member of TRIBE lab since 2016. After completing PhD study at our faculty in March 2023, Naji has been recently appointed as an Assistant Professor of Environmental and Applied Botany at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo – Bra, Italy.
Naji graduated from the PhD program of Tropical Agrobiology and Bioresources Management under the supervision of Associate Professor Zbyněk Polesný. Prior to PhD studies, he was awarded a Master’s degree in Tropical Crop Management and Ecology. During his studies, he published nine academic articles in WoS journals and participated in numerous international scientific conferences. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine and a regular reviewer for a number of peer-reviewed academic journals.
Naji’s research interests include ethnobotany, food cultures, food anthropology, and traditional food systems, mainly in the Mediterranean and Near East regions. Thanks to his MSc and PhD studies, he has a solid academic background in agroecology, agrobiology, tropical agronomy, crop production, and agroforestry.
We are happy that Naji will stay connected with TRIBE lab as an external team member, and we will be in close contact for cooperation on projects, publications and other scientific activities related to botany, ethnobiology and agroecology.
Congratulations on behalf of the whole team!