The Biogas Research Team, in collaboration with People in Need (PIN) and Keepers Zambia Foundation (KZF), conducted a feasibility study on a project to promote biogas technology in the Western Province of Zambia. This Province is still largely dependent on fuelwood and charcoal for household cooking energy supply, especially in poor households. The biogas project will help smallholder farmers have greater food and nutrition security and greater resilience to climate change. As part of the study, two main types of biogas plants, including the ZamDigester (fixed dome type) and ZambiDigester (smaller version based on prefabricated model) have been tested and promoted. In the initial phase, the project targets 130 farmers in Mongu and Kalabo Districts with the purpose of training them on the importance of using biogas to combat the impact of climate change, such as deforestation. In the subsequent phases, the construction of a series of communal biogas plants will start based on the feasibility study.
A news report by Spring24 TV Zambia on the tested biogas plants is available on