Science Diplomacy Webinar; Building Communication Strategies on Biotechnology for the United Nations Biodiversity Conference
August 30th, 31st and September 1st 2023
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Easter Time
4:00 pm – 7 pm Central European Time
4:00pm -7 pm East Africa Time
Learning Objectives:
- Learn and understand the key concepts, processes and approaches, to the formulation of international decisions using Biotechnology as a case study for developing the needed skills. .
- Understand the importance of public participation in international agreements to ensure the advancement of countries bioeconomy and sustainable development goals through the use of new technologies.
Strategic Objectives:
- Participants discuss and set next steps to create local and regional strategies to create a favorable policy environment to help countries benefit from advances in modern biotechnology, through: a) advancing the message that modern biotechnology can contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; fight climate change and achieve food security; b) engage relevant stakeholders through science diplomacy and advocate for a risk-proportionate and science-based approach to Genome Editing; Synthetic Biology and Digital Sequence of Information on Genetic Resources; and engage in the public participation processes for the United Nations Biodiversity Conference 2021 in China Kunming.
- The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
- Biosafety Frameworks that cover modern biotechnology applications such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs); products resulting from genome editing techniques and synthetic biology.
- Modern biotechnology message development for science diplomacy
General profile of participants:
- Participants interested in knowing more about how to communicate in decision making spaces about the technology to encourage science-based policies with Interest in global issues and engage in interdisciplinary work; assertive and critical thinker.
- Scientists that have participated or currently conduct research in agricultural biotechnology or have worked at any stage of the biotech product development value chain.
- Science Communicators who are using new approaches to communicate about agricultural biotechnology and are interested in knowing more about how to communicate in decision-making spaces.